Introduction: Computational Boundary of a Self
- The paper attempts to formalize thinking about any possible cognitive system or intelligence. Intelligence is defined (per William James) as competency to reach the same goal by different means (cybernetic definition). It’s about navigating a problem space to achieve a goal despite obstacles.
- Origin and composition are considered less important than shared properties of cognitive systems. The origin story is not reliable and there’s not anything inherently special in any given cognitive system and may depend more on it’s implementation (i.e. hardware in robots, biocomputer in life).
Cognitive Light Cones
- Concept borrowed (and inverted) from physics’ spacetime diagrams (Minkowski). Time is vertical, spatial dimensions are horizontal.
- The cognitive light cone represents the spatio-temporal size of the *biggest* goal a system can pursue. This is NOT about sensory reach, but about the scale of the goal state.
- Examples given progress from simple organisms to complex beings, demonstrating growth in spatio-temporal considerations:
- Tick/Bacterium: Small light cone; focused on local chemical concentrations.
- Dog: Larger light cone (memory, prediction); goals like keeping intruders out of its territory. Limited ability to care about events far away in space/time.
- Human: Very large light cone; goals can include abstract, long-term, even unattainable things (world peace, preventing the sun’s burnout). Limitations still exist in caring capacity.
- Humans’ large light cones include the ability and understanding to work on unachievable goals and the stress that it results in is likely to be something of great consideration in humans (perhaps) as a species and may explain part of it’s drives, in this way may not be completely unlike other creatures with large cognitive lights cone and goals that do extend to some future event that they will still likely witness in their time.
- One key takeaway on Human cognitive light cone: The ability, understading of capability, and undertaking/investment in nonachievable goals that might explain motivations.
- The ability and perhaps motivation and direction in species. The capcity to care (to help address another beings suffering for exmaple) on other beings is not able to grow at a 1:1 and is also very important as perhaps with Bodhisattvas.
- Related to the TAME (Technological Approach to Mind Everywhere) framework, which aims to move questions of cognition/sentience/intelligence from philosophy to testable scientific claims. Every statement should create test-questions and predictions for the systems capability.
- Intelligence is not binary; it’s a spectrum. Claims about a system’s cognitive level should define the problem space, the goal, the system’s capabilities, and then be testable, creating new data for science, than a thought exercise alone.
Collective Intelligence
- Compound intelligence consists of a heiarchy: All intelligence is collective. Organisms are made of cells, cells of components, etc., in a nested hierarchy. This is to be contrasted with something like, Integrated information, the former makes specific assumptions.
- Organisms’ large-scale light cones do not belong to individual components (cells, tissues). Cells and their individual parts are geared and set towards and interact with and respond/exist in physical/physiological world; this is the fundamental mechanism/method of higher organization (or it appears). The higher system must emerge through these cells’ actions.
- A “scale-up” process exists, in which subunits (cells) with individual competencies combine to create a larger cognitive entity.
- Levin points that de Cartes view was inaccurate (specifically about pineal gland, though he admires many other traits of de Cartes’). The mistake, fundamentally is that of composition and of a misunderstanding of the scaling capabilities from the underlying components that drive the overall organization. This may also explain certain cancer growth as cancer as being able to operate beyond it’s boundaries when certain properties change (bioelectrical properties).
- Robots don’t get cancer because their parts are *passive*; they don’t have individual agendas, as biological cells do. This risk from the properties that enables higher organizational systems, also brings its own risk and down-side: cancers for example, by making an entity, using smaller and active materials.
- Key question: How do the properties and *novel goals* of the compound intelligence relate to the properties of the parts? How does this scaling up happen, and how can it fail (e.g., cancer)?
- I.i.t. The main disagreement, it seemms, is with a lack of separation between intelligent and non-intteligent behaviour, between intelligent-cognitive tasks vs tasks around consciusness, it has more of a philiophical bent than perhaps having any other reason for the fundamental misunderstanding and fundamental disagreement.
Scale-Free Cognition
- Scale-free, based from a previous publication, the term “scale-free cognition” is used to indicate that principles of cognition apply across different scales. Humans recognize intelligence best at their own scale (medium-sized, medium-speed, 3D).
- We struggle to recognize intelligence at very different scales (e.g., bacteria in the gut solving physiological problems, organs maintaining their own structure).
- Evolution itself could be seen as a large, distributed agent, with each animal being a “hypothesis” about the world, subject to success/failure. We must detach from the need of any type of ‘mind’ being limited to that of roughly Human-scale; stretched out is difficult for the mind, it must remain relative and flexible.
- Name: perhaps is slightly off because the term may imply something about reliance, and there exist different degrees of scale, yet not having scale may only emphasize differences in properties between that in smaller/greater scales and may give undue importance to scaling when, maybe instead, it ought to be on the system’s cognitive behaviour.
- Freedom should, in Levin’s description mean freedom in system doing whatever the systems is likely/intended to do with freeeom of scientists having freedom in approaching that in all types of views, including those previously impossible or hard to see/visualize/analyze.
Surprise and Infotaxis
- Agents strive to minimize “surprisal,” which relates to stress. Stress and surprise are equivalent in this context. This is related to concepts like the Free Energy Principle (Friston).
- Regenerative development/regeneration can be viewed as cells navigating “morphospace” (the space of possible anatomical configurations) and minimizing errors, that could represent itself through stresses, to reach the target morphology (e.g., a salamander limb).
- Intelligence in biological systems is not simply complex emergence, but the ability to reach a goal despite perturbations and novelty; It’s active error/stress mitigation and purposeful decision making for optimization/reducing future risks/hazards and generally problem solving. It MUST be experimented upon to verify intelligence, through new behaviours as data.
- Salamander limb regeneration: Cells regenerate the correct limb, and then *stop* when it’s complete. This is framed not as feed-forward emergence from local rules, but as homeostatic error minimization by a collective intelligence with a “set point” (target morphology).
- This is not dissimilar from thermoregulation.
- Development regulation (cancer suppresion, metamorphisis, etc. have common trait and act not disimilarly with systems to keep errors low.
- Homeostatic ability/behavior: loop in system, has target(set points), works towards goals and away from any potential risks (from environment/genetic) and the like and tries, as efficiently as it can to get as close as possible to said set-points, taking whatever the system can within it’s realm of capabilites.
- These abilities might be as robust as finding NEW ways to find optimizations/reaching set-points in the given situations to try and overcome obstactles.
- Key point: This requires a *set point* (like a thermostat). Cells expend metabolic energy to achieve large-scale goals (organ shape), going beyond their individual needs. This can occur if the environment changes to accomodate this energy expenditure (heat) by system.
- Stress is the term used here for that ‘keep-trying-to-minimze-the-error-state-which-may-create-the-expenditure-of-extra-energy’
- Stress has commonalities across domains: Engineers on meso materials, psychologists on general ‘well-being, behavior’, evolutionary psychologists of well-being/condition of eco systems/societies and others in different areas that are hard-er to recognize, but which still share similiar properties such as in micro-environments for cells and systems and their interactions (stresses here not that dissimilar to stresses on systems.
- There are specific, large requirements from collective systems that are working, in aggregate, from simple components such as skin cells, who otherwise may, normally do simpler processes, these ‘goal differences’ result and could manifest into unique and perhaps useful signals and/or molecules.
- Geometric Stress example: and eye grown artificially, elsewhere may not, and can never stress specific cellular cells individually but are the system (collection of tissues/components, and whole system working) stressed. For instance: the tissue’s overall configuration can impact on overall body. Another example is if a new eye forms in tad-pole tails.
- The spreading of this stress, is key: by letting the underlying system understand where the greatest difference lies, it can find new way/mitigation-patterns/methods to reduce total ‘errors’, not that different to a cooling-magnetic having all underlying componets, in this scenario and configuration find alignment: free/potential energy.
- Temperature might have a bearing too, which may change with more stress/movement of different, smaller agents with new degrees of flexibility/freedome for underlying particles; creating conditions more likely and more conductive to more likely, new behaviors and changes (and perhaps errors in the right situations)
- Stess might make the parts work to benefit overall whole system and may explain away certain questions with regards altruism.
Gap Junctions and Scaling of Collective Intelligence
- Gap Junctions: Proteins that form “submarine hatch”-like pores between cells, allowing small molecules, current, and signals to pass directly.
- “Magic” of Gap Junctions (according to Levin): They facilitate the *scaling* of collective intelligence.
- Traditional Signaling: Secreted molecules. The receiving cell knows the information originated *outside*. It can be ignored, treated with caution, or learned from. The receiving cell has more control.
- Gap Junction Signaling: Signals pass directly into the receiving cell’s internal environment, *without metadata* indicating origin. There is *no* indication that it’s not internal.
- The absence of signals of signal orign and type fundamentally means an uncertainty in behavior and decision making from higher up, at individual/collective/system.
- Result: A “mind meld.” The receiving cell cannot distinguish the signal from its own internal signals. It erases individual cell identity and promotes collective computation and decision-making.
- Benefit for decision making with collective systems by preventing (removing/mitigating risks) in conflict/misaligned/different interests from underlying structures that may otherwise benefit from ‘selfish’ decision and actions to the detriment of higher level structure (the body, here in this discussion),
- It creates a larger computational space, and better spatial-integration: a single system, as oppose to independent, singular-focused, units.
- Enables collective sensing of biomechanical forces (as a cell sheet). It permits, and results in a greater, aggregate organization, having greater reach, with collective/overall goal: making them harder for cells (to take example) in micro, or more localized events, harder to ignore.
- It is also worth noting that while they appear as fundamental: this configuration can go wrong and, in so far as this has a negative effect, would mean care must be taken as the overall aggregate-organizational structure can/could be to the benefit and/or detriment of the component structures and there’s always a ‘give-and-take’, an inherent and possibly (maybe!) ever-present fundamental risk and the need/requirement of finding balance/middle path that benefits overall structure as well as the parts making up this new-collective system (in cells for example this could mean cellular death for body ‘success’; like skin cells during a hand scratch after going rock-climbing).
Cell Membranes and Information
- Gatenby’s claim: ~99% of Shannon information in a cell is in the membrane and transmembrane gradient.
- Interpretation: The cell membrane is the primary interface for cell-cell communication and interaction with the outside world. It contains receptors, ion channels, and biomechanical structures. All other cells, within a ‘larger’ organism are a ‘foreign agent’ or unknown to underlying-systems and could represent as a potential (or an actual, confirmed risk).
- Cells ‘hack’ other cells/outside world at membrane interface. There are all the interesting structures and systems that give important clues and information about what cell interactions exist, do, create.
- Shannon information is observer-relative; different observers can derive different amounts of information from the same signal. This highlights interpretation-dependant information (from signals or actions that do something), including observer dependant views, not that they can be.
- It has other interesting components and properties to consider as an additional, external agent (as ‘the human’ is external to underlying cells: cells here can then view, and consider humans in the general world: for that interaction-ability for systems)
- Expanding the horizon of light-cones lets shannon info to acquire a greater range (larger in scope: in breadth and height).
Meaning and the Observer
- Chris Field is credited here for an important, complex take.
- Central role of the *observer* in information theory (Shannon or otherwise). Meaning is not inherent in a signal; it’s *imputed* by an observer.
- Meaning is Observer-dependant: this concept highlights this to the N’th degree; a different view of this might lead to different conclusions and decisions/observations (and subsequent actions based from).
- Different observers can derive different meanings from the same data. Perspective matters (relates to Josh Bongard’s “polycomputing” idea).
- Multiple ways can have advantages in analyzing/looking at similar data that might then lead to insights impossible/unseen from previously impossible ways of looking at systems (perspective is useful for different angles, and with right ‘perspectives’: the tools for it).
- Polycomputation and perspective that might result in greater understanding by ‘squeezeing in extra power to the bio/computation in process’; that will lead to greater processing/computation ability.
- This emphasizes perspective shifts as useful, separate (or even independent) tool to get great insight that may give ideas to solutions/behaviours for a system (and vice versa) and has much application, perhaps more then ‘common’, to those beyond simple/narrow computation ability.
Cancer as a Breakdown of Cognitive Scaling
- Reframing Cancer: Not *why* we get cancer, but *why isn’t everything cancer*? Our cells’ “default” state is to reproduce and move where life is good (tumor-like behavior). The more ‘surprising’ question: is the reverse.
- The puzzle: what is being regulated to ‘control’ a structure; to have this overall-goal in a direction in aggregate: it appears to have a collective/overall higher control for aggregate, whole.
- Individual cells have small “selves” defined by their local environment.
- Electrical and biochemical networks establish the boundary between self and the outside world. A cell connected to many others has a *large* self (potentially the whole body).
- With the right signaling pathways: cells can grow/change/be-directed: and the mechanisms for higher-level-systems might (could!) and may depend on this.
- An oncogene that disrupts gap junctional communication *shrinks* the cell’s self to a single cell. The cell then pursues individual-level goals (metastasis, proliferation), which deviate from the collective.
- It highlights breakdown (failures) as an almost-expected outcome, in these otherwise powerful systems, but the very mechanism by which that makes it useful also inherently create the very possibility/mechanisms/outcomes of misaligned or poorly-aligned states that might cause this stress/issues that could go unheeded/unattended too (because these systems are complex, intricate).
- Gap Junctions is key, to preventing the cells (example/use) to ‘regain’ that original identity with it’s associated individual decision/behavior.
- Gap junctions make all other external forces a common issue: meaning that they do something, if that new issue is in direct-conflict/alignment with those the other entities, will create issues that otherwise can’t be addressed and in that way could have issues, is a source of great importance and of stress to ‘keep’ that integrity (for optimal system operation).
- Signals such as electrical signals might also be key, here (which could have its own interesting implications that, while currently unexplored/explained in this interview, nonetheless represent fundamental understanding-path that is of crucial importance that may go-unaddressed here)
- Ennviromental interactions/communications might become ‘external’/not-important signals/input to smaller system once higher ‘connections’ in/of these new networks are broken and new behavior becomes dominant, as consequence.
- Self: is different, yet of equal value to it’s immediate self vs that higher organization system that does otherwise act together for the overall-higher-system in that sense then; could still be seen as ‘selfish-behavior’ even if/when operating to improve aggregate structures such as entire ‘being/system’: meaning that any decision is made that favors these goals are inherently ‘selfish’ actions, on the level they occur/happen/exist; the scope makes difference.
- Cancer cells are no *more* selfish than normal cells; they just have a tiny self and thus pursue smaller goals. Cancer’s inherent behavior is a natural outcome of such situations and environments that have similar ‘breaks’ of properties/structures of ‘connection’ and thus the very thing (aggregate structures of importance such as for overall body or larger ‘higher systems’): would mean that it is normal, not an irregular occurrence/outcome given such system failures:
- It opens, at least theoretically: a ‘novel’-solution space, in how such cells/tissues may be mitigated: re-integration of structures through electrical signalling, could lead to an intereative (and useful!) mechanism to control/guide new and more stable cells (to make higher organization).
Therapeutic Implications of the Bioelectric View
- Cells can be cancerous without there having been genomic damages to begin with: cancers, given new structures/connections of communications might also be grown in artificial bodies: it does not require inherent faults to grow.
- By creating artificial electrical fields in-vitro or ‘else’: one might even use structures like embryos as new bio-computer/electrical signaling based pathways in computation that do not exist, not do require genome structures but would have use: by connecting together such components to make novel and new biological systems that otherwise wouldn’t and would not need to exist with it’s specific properties.
- This leads to thinking: a therapeutic strategy, which involves reconnecting cancerous cells to the bioelectric network, causing them to normalize even with oncogenes. They have found it effective in their current bioeletrical/xenobot and tadpole studies to mitigate/treat cancer by ‘redirecting’ cell behaviour; instead of the ‘old, default’ ways/methods that might also do harm.
- *Don’t* kill the cells, but instead reconnect, change goals, and set priorities (set/goal posts). The molecular hard-ware may be not useful/of focus, but to reprogram (to do this would result in less stress-damage-related to kill-first). Focus then is bioelectrical signaling pathway, here instead of molecular (kill-first) methodology and/or hardware related solutions/methods (such as what has historically been the way such situations may get addressed that results in non-benign outcomes and failures and could/would do better, than perhaps older systems) to give it new configurations to do more effective, stable/integrated system control, which is very difficult (impossible maybe? and would, or might not address fundamental reasons and mechanisms).
- ‘Telling cell’: is not easy, hard to direct behavior (to ‘talk’): this does suggest a fundamental communication-challenge that does exist, or appear to exist with cells and cell tissues.
- Shift from low-level manipulation (genomic editing, rewiring pathways) to *high-level* communication, “retraining” the system to use its own competencies. Not that there are many effective systems to even begin to direct the signals (perhaps), let alone systems, at an electrical levels, but: that this may change/has potential in future and, more so in general systems.
- Analogy: Don’t rewire the computer hardware every time you want to switch programs. Use the existing software interface and “built-in” control systems. Use higher level/better (hopefully more robust/safe/stable etc.) levels, which may improve chances for overall goals of larger, more robust organization systems, too and in so doing address larger organization failures, through better information/control mechanisms (signals in particular, or whatever data/structures do create differences in cell systems)
Drugs, Words, and the Multiscale System
- “Drugs and words have the same mechanism of action” (Benedetti): High-level cognitive expectations (placebo effect, context) can filter down to molecular biology.
- Our “Executive decisions”/behavior can directly translate down-the-chain for action by parts/component that have the very capability to be active/reconfigure themselves: the “executive decisions”, for exmaple to move out-of-bed; require action from ‘lower system’: down-chain commands for decisions/movements to effect on lower scale for it to ‘result’ on larger levels: high decision > cell component action > outcome in large-body (like humans).
- Explains things like hypnodermatology, placebo effects, and even everyday voluntary actions. High-level cognitive states can influence molecular physiology.
- Important to emphasize how significant the very notion of this “scale”-interaction” from very small scales of individual ‘things’ making the whole; which can and is seen as very much less understood/important/of value.
- This is how our bodies behave; how it appears the way it appears, every second; and when, and if/when working ‘well’, gives stability/predictable configuration/structure: and is a key factor. It can, given all this also very much explain that perhaps seemingly small interactions can and/or will affect aggregate/whole in what could be surprising way with new-scales.
Components of the Morphogenetic Field
- A cell gets influenced at multiple levels: There exist ‘other’ considerations, not discussed in talk: but some factors.
- The cell takes a ‘vote’ from the field, based on many signals:
- Biochemical signals, Biomechanical forces (tension, pressure, extracellular matrix (ECM)), and Bioelectrical signals.
- Bioelectricity isn’t the *only* factor, but it’s crucial because it acts as the “excitable medium” and *computational layer* that stores the cognitive information of the collective intelligence, and this *computational layer* may have implications that go (well?) beyond/much/more into the system(s) than all the previous properties discussed, combined and could create important shifts in new-areas that previously were harder to achieve.
- Brain learned electrical signaling trick from pre-neural evolution. The exact same principle used.
Harold Saxton Burr’s “Privileged Information”
- Harold Saxton Burr (1930s-40s): Measured electrical fields in various biological systems (cells, embryos, trees, humans). He was one of first good voltage measurers of this sort, even during time/periods without precise tools; without means to manipulate that environment/electrial systems directly to any reasonable measure and to measure accurately that and without direct insight and/or ability/way to impact specific structures/mechanism that resulted (and continues to give these, that may come out of his discoveries).
- Burr described the *future* development of bioelectricity, and (according to Levin) he was remarkably accurate despite having only crude measurement tools. He accurately understood some mechanisms that could exist for structures in organisms/collective biological systems that make some cells grow or do new configurations without explicit-directions but yet that which are highly, robust, complex and useful (he perhaps found hints into a form of biological bio-computation in/through cells, from a voltage/energy and interaction from other electrical mechanisms), an electrical layer; a “computational bioelectricity”: where cells work individually as well in aggregate for overall body-configuration through unique/undirected behaviours that come to create overall systems. He lacked more understanding from his tools/in-vivo tools: but the voltage level could indicate certain actions that go beyond ‘simple structures’ by enabling cells in ‘micro environments’, not that much unlike how an isolated/non-interactive or perhaps even non-important micro-electrical activity from micro, seemingly (to ‘higher up, outside’/non-connected agent(s)/viewer), but that may ‘non-specifically direct’ underlying and connected nodes through simple communication, with enough of it, and large scope: give the impression, action of directed.
- Burr’s work was influential for Levin, because it may highlight and emphasize the need for high precision to not overlook some specific important signals/behavior of systems, and specifically a type that can (easily? maybe even accidentally) be ‘masked-away’; through less percise tools; a reminder.
- A call that ‘Burr made these same discoveries’, without the need for tools (not ‘advanced’; from perspective-perspective perhaps, though he created what was probably the only, that ‘one’ to understand in-vivo systems).
- Other Pioneers, who built further on discoveries were also mentioned, though perhaps that of which gave direction was made in his earlier/later work, that have greater bearing/impact of what future potential directions/impact it may still have to come (such as those areas/disciplines mentioned that may make new implications as technology/science does its future works; perhaps that can enable even ‘higher resolution’ systems, that otherwise do give very specific data and/or can ‘target’/influence it too, specifically too for what outcome it may create that otherwise can’t and does give potential to solve, currently unresolved systems in biology.
Zen Buddhism and Compassion
- Final paragraph of “Scale-Free Cognition” paper mentions Zen Buddhism.
- Connection between cognitive light cones and the Buddhist concept of enlarging compassion (actively working towards the welfare of all beings).
- Thinking about diverse intelligences forces us to revise simplistic distinctions about who/what deserves compassion. Ethics needs updating in light of new possibilities (hybrids, cyborgs, etc.).
- The *goal* of enlarging our light cones (through technology or other means) is not just technology itself, but to *increase our capacity for compassion*.
- The talk referenced to Buddhism is from a different perspective and does (likely/potentially) expand-on previously not ’emphasized’ traits/understanding for how that “Compassion”-concept may relate and does explain: compassion has a key trait that must also improve alongside intelligence, even if they have, in some way ‘similar mechanism(s)’; for there to exist that fundamental property of ‘compassion’; that perhaps drives all intelligence and has not that dissimilar-configurations in structure and/or direction(goals/target)/understanding. Compassion is key: and intelligence and compassion must work together and go alongside one-another and it appears perhaps not only and ‘simply’ for it to be morally/ethically/’fair’: as without ‘Compassion-with-it’; a “light cone”/an intellgent behavior-like may get misdirected/misguided, given that intelligence, if not guided-by-compassion is perhaps missing a component (as fundamental and core property of it): for ‘correct’/’intended’-way: without care, and love, could lead the intelligence(in this scenario/example being discussed) to get to a state with undesired configuration (by failing to have core direction/components with intelligence not having inherent traits/direction of system(s) with-compassion: might be key) for larger goal to have a very unique outcome (compassion must accompany intelligent-systems for stable-goal); for its goals, without misalignments, it may never address higher structure considerations, it is not limited to compassion towards (smaller/sub-entities); instead there is perhaps an alignment required between scales.
- “Compassion”: this isn’t that general care: of just thought-excercises; compassion being: an active (key: actions; something active and real-work, as opose to just mental-considerations), is fundamental.
- There are many complex components here, and a larger paper can give details that make the discussion(talk-itself) do, if in the wrong/very limited scope may have very wrong implications.
- www dot drl-dot org – mentioned to contain information about the presenter, and other information mentioned through-out interview.
- Mentioned that the presenter/speaker is huge-fan of some of AI Art works such as (Midjourney): and has blog posts/articles (that can be interesting: is not directly connected to this interview, though worth, asides, nonetheless, a look from that view if desired/in/with similar interets)
- Note of the site’s complexity, breadth of areas covered and inter-links, this may make navigating this complex.
- Biology, Buddhism and AI: care as a driver of intelligece: paper and reference to Buddhist concept mentioned in last/wrap-up, section and could benefit with having that as part of consideration/discussion with more references/people on a/that discussion (there appear to exist greater context and perhaps some of those not immediately relevant, unless with a lot of additional context) to make some complex issues; not very simply covered here and/or that lack (critical-thinking perhaps!), key here: which it would be with some fundamental-aspects about these systems and considerations that does take complex understanding of what compassion is: “An Active”; vs (that which otherwise appears as: “that it means feelings”), that does guide that behaviour, action.