Introduction: Body’s Intelligence and Bioelectricity
- Our bodies demonstrate “everyday magic”: High-level mental goals translate into physical actions (like muscle depolarization) via the body’s electrical system.
- Concept: “Words and drugs have the same mechanism of action” (Benedetti) – mind and body are interconnected, crucial for future medicine.
- We are “collective intelligences”: Composed of many components (cells, molecular networks) that possess their own “agendas” and a form of intelligence.
- Even single cells and molecular networks within them show learning (e.g., Pavlovian conditioning), demonstrating intelligence is basic.
- Body functions as “multi-scale competency architecture”: Various levels (molecular networks, cells, tissues, etc.) solve problems in different “spaces,” not just a nested structure.
The Anatomical Compiler: A Future Vision
- Long-term medical goal: “Anatomical compiler” – A system to design and build any anatomical structure by specifying its desired form (drawing it).
- This would solve birth defects, injuries, cancer, aging, etc., by conveying our goals to groups of cells. We will learn how to tell cells, specifically, what to build.
- This isn’t a “3D printer” (micromanaging cells), but a “communications device,” a translator between our goals and the cells’ collective goals.
- DNA doesn’t fully code for patterns, just protein “hardware.” The “physiological software” directs growth; genetic information isn’t enough (frog/axolotl hybrid example).
- Biology is like 1940s computer science: Focus is on hardware. We must focus on the body’s “reprogrammability” and “problem-solving capacity,” analogous to modern software.
Intelligence and Problem Solving in Biology
- Intelligence: “Ability to reach the same goal by different means” (William James). It is about having competencies to reach some kind of goals and this may often requires plasticity, to adapt to new situation and events. Not human-level intelligence, but objective, problem-solving competence.
- Biological intelligence exists in many “spaces”: 3D space (animal movement), transcriptional space (gene expression), physiological state space, anatomical “morphospace”.
- Cells show remarkable problem-solving: Planaria adapting to barium exposure; tadpole faces rearranging to a normal frog face even after radical disruption (“Picasso tadpoles”).
Bioelectricity: The Interface to Morphogenesis
- The nervous system inspires understanding of cell communication: Ion channels, voltage gradients, electrical synapses.
- All cells are electrically active, not just nerve cells, with gap junctions forming networks. The cellular collective thinks about how to maintain and control anatomy using bioelectriicty.
- These networks “navigate anatomical space” to build and maintain the body. The project aims to learn “to interpret these [electrical signals].
- Developmental tools developed by levin to read bioelectric signals include voltage-sensitive fluorescent dyes and using compuer simultions to map voltages, gene expression and to observe and anayze patterns.
- “Electric face” pattern in frog embryos: Bioelectric pre-pattern dictates future organ placement.
- Abnormal voltage pattern seen in cancer cells even *before* a tumor develops.
- Levin developed toold and methodes to “read” (the above voltage signals) as well as “write”: controlling gap junctions and ion channels.
- Controlling voltage patterns (using ion channels, optogenetics, pharmacology) can induce organ formation (eyes, limbs, etc.).
- Key features: It’s *instructive* (controls outcomes), *modular* (don’t need to micromanage steps, just “call a subroutine”), and demonstrates collective behavior (cells recruiting other cells).
Regeneration, Birth Defects, and Cancer Applications
- Frog leg regeneration triggered by a bioelectric cocktail, resulting in substantial leg regrowth (“injury mirroring” phenomenon observed). This works at a distance from the site of injury.
- Discolsure: This company *Morphoceuticals*: using of this kind of stimulation on patients (hopeful).
- Birth defects (in frog brain, caused by teratogens or genetic mutations) can be *repaired* by adjusting the bioelectric pattern, even with genetic problems, acting in effect through *software*, which the patterns constitute.
- Tool Called Eden “The Electoceutical Design Enviroment”. Use of bioelectirc interfaces to design and execute treatment (including pharmaceutical).
- Cancer cells: “Dissociative identity disorder” – disconnected from the electrical network, returning to small, single-cell goals.
- Possible detection of cancerous cells by observing bioelectric activity that is precancerous/early-cancer.
- Potential for cancer treatment via forced reconnection of cancer cells to the network (normalization, not destruction). This happens independent of genetic intervention or change, which is very useful, it works even if you don’t “fix the genes.”
- Anthrobots (human biobots): Human tracheal cells spontaneously form motile structures with unique properties, including neural wound healing.
Conclusion: Towards Top-Down Interventions
- Biomedicine is undergoing transformation by adopting and recognizing that collective behaviors must be understood to manipulate multicellular systems.
- Rate-limiting step in transformative medicine: Communicating goals to cellular “swarms”, viewing them as agents with agendas.
- Genetics/Big Data are insufficient; crisper still has “which gene do we crisper/change”? This is all part of the larger picture of taking the *top down* approach of using collective intelligence to manage.
- Roadmap comes from behavior science and neuroscience: Exploiting the “software of life” via top-down control, resetting cell goals (not micromanaging them molecularly).
- Bioelectric interface: Key to cell intelligence (like in the nervous system), with emerging tools for its application in diverse areas.
- AI will make *top down* medicine viable by utilizing top down tools, goals propagated and cascaded throughout intelligent tissues to solve for, like cancer, injuries and other goals.