Michael Levin Bioelectricity 101 Crash Course Lesson 20: HCN2 Channels: Rescuing Brain Development with Bioelectricity Summary
- HCN2 (Hyperpolarization-activated Cyclic Nucleotide-gated channel 2) is a specific type of ion channel with unique properties that make it a powerful tool for manipulating bioelectric signals.
- HCN2 channels open at hyperpolarized (more negative) membrane potentials, unlike most voltage-gated channels that open upon depolarization.
- The opening of HCN2 channels allows both sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) ions to pass, but under the conditions found in Xenopus embryos, the net effect is hyperpolarization.
- HCN2 channel activity is also modulated by cAMP (cyclic AMP), a signaling molecule inside the cell, linking it to cell metabolism.
- Nicotine, a neuroteratogen, disrupts brain development by depolarizing the developing neural tube, thus disrupting the crucial bioelectric pre-pattern.
- Overexpressing HCN2 can rescue nicotine-induced brain defects by restoring the normal hyperpolarized state of the neural tube.
- This rescue is context-specific: HCN2 preferentially affects cells that are already relatively hyperpolarized, amplifying the existing bioelectric pattern rather than imposing a uniform voltage.
- HCN2 overexpression not only restores brain morphology but also improves cognitive function (learning ability) in nicotine-exposed tadpoles.
- The rescue involves correcting the expression of key brain development genes (otx2, xbf1) disrupted by nicotine.
- This research demonstrates a powerful proof-of-principle: manipulating bioelectric signals can correct developmental defects, opening new avenues for regenerative medicine.
- This was also to their knowledge the very first ever proof of using ion channels and manipulating membrane potentials to successfully restore lost brain function and patterning.
Michael Levin Bioelectricity 101 Crash Course Lesson 20: HCN2 Channels: Rescuing Brain Development with Bioelectricity
Throughout this course, we’ve been exploring the amazing world of bioelectricity – the electrical signals that shape life, going far beyond the familiar electrical activity of the nervous system. We’ve seen how these signals, particularly steady-state voltage gradients, act as a kind of “electrical blueprint” guiding development, regeneration, and even influencing cancer. We’ve also seen that bioelectricity is not just about the action potentials of fast moving cells in the nervous system. Now, we’re going to focus on a specific, remarkable player in this bioelectric story: the HCN2 channel. This lesson is where several crucial threads of our learning come together: ion channels, voltage gradients, teratogens, developmental defects, and the power of computational modeling to understand and manipulate life’s electrical code.
Recall from earlier lessons that ion channels are protein “gates” in the cell membrane that control the flow of ions (charged particles) into and out of the cell. These ion flows create electrical currents, and the unequal distribution of ions across the membrane generates the membrane potential (Vmem) – the voltage difference between the inside and the outside of the cell. Changes in Vmem act as powerful signals, influencing a wide range of cellular behaviors, including cell proliferation, differentiation, migration, and even gene expression.
Most voltage-gated ion channels (the kind we discussed in the context of action potentials) open when the membrane potential becomes more positive (depolarization). This is what happens during the rising phase of an action potential, when voltage-gated sodium channels open, allowing Na+ ions to rush into the cell.
HCN channels, however, are different. They’re called “hyperpolarization-activated” because they open when the membrane potential becomes more negative (hyperpolarization). This might seem counterintuitive, but it’s precisely this unusual property that makes them so interesting and so useful for manipulating bioelectric signals. The “CN” in HCN stands for “cyclic nucleotide-gated.” This means that their activity is also influenced by the levels of cyclic nucleotides, like cAMP, inside the cell. cAMP is a “second messenger” molecule – it relays signals from other molecules (like hormones) to the inside of the cell. So, HCN channels are not just sensitive to voltage; they’re also linked to the cell’s metabolic state.
There are four main types of HCN channels (HCN1-4). We’re focusing on HCN2 because it has some particularly interesting properties in the context of early development, and especially because of an incredible series of experiments performed by Dr. Michael Levin and colleagues that demonstrate these actions in vivo (in a living organism).
So what does this all mean that HCN2 will do when it activates, and it is in a context of low concentrations of ions (0.1 x MMR solution, the conditions Xenopus is typically reared)? To answer this, you have to turn to the Nernst/Goldman equation, which predicts ionic behavior across membrane gradients. But that will become a whole ‘nother class by itself! To make it easier, HCN2 opens up, and when it is opened, it creates more hyperpolarization. More opening HCN2 channels create a more negatively charged inside of a cell, and more closing channels creates more positively charged insid of a cell. It is important to state that a combination of the context of ionic presence and the actual physical molecular propertis of HCN2 are all vital parts of what will happen as HCN2 open/closes.
Now, let’s bring in the villain of our story: nicotine. Nicotine is a well-known neuroteratogen – a substance that disrupts the development of the nervous system. It’s particularly harmful during embryonic development, and exposure to nicotine (e.g., through maternal smoking) can lead to a range of brain malformations and cognitive deficits. But how does nicotine cause these problems?
The answer, as we’ve learned, lies partly in bioelectricity. Nicotine acts primarily by binding to and activating nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). These receptors are themselves ion channels that allow positively charged ions (like Na+) to enter the cell. When nicotine activates nAChRs, it causes a depolarization of the membrane potential. While many tissues will express nAChRs receptors, one in particular –the brain – expresses alot.
Remember the “electric face” we discussed in earlier lessons? That crucial bioelectric pre-pattern in the developing embryo, where the region that will become the brain is normally hyperpolarized (more negative) relative to the surrounding tissues? Nicotine disrupts this pattern. By activating nAChRs and causing depolarization, nicotine essentially “erases” the electrical blueprint that guides brain development. The consequence is disrupted signaling and a large-scale breakdown of orderly pattern – resulting in severe errors during the complex process of forming a brain.
Now, here’s where the HCN2 channel comes in as the hero. Levin’s research team used the BETSE (BioElectric Tissue Simulation Engine) computational model to understand the dynamics of this bioelectric disruption and to find a way to fix it. They realized that they needed a way to restore the normal hyperpolarization of the developing neural tube, even in the presence of nicotine. And they needed to do it in a context-specific way – they didn’t want to hyperpolarize the entire embryo, just the region that was supposed to be hyperpolarized.
This is where the unique properties of HCN2 channels become critical. Because they open at hyperpolarized voltages, they can act as a kind of “smart switch.” If a cell is already relatively hyperpolarized, adding HCN2 channels will make it even more hyperpolarized. But if a cell is depolarized, the HCN2 channels will remain mostly closed, and they won’t have much effect.
The BETSE model predicted that overexpressing HCN2 (by injecting mRNA coding for the channel) in the developing embryo would amplify the existing bioelectric pattern. It would make the hyperpolarized regions (the future brain) more hyperpolarized, but it would leave the already depolarized regions relatively unchanged. And, crucially, it predicted that this would work even in the presence of nicotine.
The experiments, which involved injecting Xenopus embryos with either wild-type (HCN2-WT, the normal one) and “DN”, Dominant Negative versions. The scientists then grew tadpoles, with various degrees of injection of HCN2, nicotine, DN HCN2, or none (control). These showed truly fascinating and breakthrough results:
The tadpole’s bioelectric “landscape”
- In a normal tadpole, certain crucial brain patterning areas showed unique resting voltages as distinct and more negatively charged than the tissues surrounding them.
- When exposed to Nicotine, it depolarized those certain critical parts of the brain’s bioelectric patterning.
- When extra copies of the HCN2 was introduced via mRNA into nicotine affected organisms, HCN2 could, as predicated, selectively HYPERPOLARIZE that critical area, even more than normal brains.
- Normal tadpole brains look a certain way with distinct proportions, placement, shapes of the brain
- Nicotine exposure showed to create a high incidence of deformities, missing parts, smaller portions of key organs in a significant degree
- HCN2 mRNA injected into nicotine-exposed could largely restore normal patterning
The experiments beautifully confirmed these predictions.
- Voltage Imaging: Using voltage-sensitive dyes, they showed that nicotine, as predicted, depolarized the neural tube. Overexpressing HCN2 restored the normal hyperpolarization, even in the presence of nicotine.
- Brain Morphology: Nicotine caused severe brain malformations. Overexpressing HCN2 completely rescued these malformations – the brains looked normal. Incredibly, adding extra HCN2 in normal brains (no nicotine!) made it even BETTER than a regular one! It strengthened the normal conditions, making it less likely to get abnormal morphological formations in the first place.
- Learning Ability: Nicotine impaired the tadpoles’ ability to learn a simple associative task. Overexpressing HCN2 restored their learning ability.
- Gene Expression: Nicotine disrupted the expression of key brain development genes (otx2 and xbf1). Overexpressing HCN2 restored the normal gene expression patterns.
- In a separate experiment, dominant-negative version (disabled HCN2 channel) shows that the normal, endogenous version of HCN2 is not required for proper brain patterning.
This is a remarkable example of “rational bioelectric intervention.” Instead of trying to micromanage every single cellular process, the researchers targeted the overall bioelectric pattern. They used the HCN2 channel as a tool to “sculpt” the electrical landscape of the developing embryo, guiding the cells back to their correct developmental pathway.
This research has profound implications:
- It provides a deeper understanding of how teratogens like nicotine disrupt development. It’s not just about interfering with specific chemical pathways; it’s about disrupting the global bioelectric signals that coordinate development.
- It demonstrates the power of computational modeling to understand and manipulate complex biological systems. The BETSE model was crucial for identifying HCN2 as a potential therapeutic agent.
- It opens up new possibilities for treating birth defects. The idea of using ion channels to “reprogram” the bioelectric state of tissues is a revolutionary approach to regenerative medicine.
- It gives a proof-of-principle and first demonstration for using an ion-channel/biolelectrical based way to help correct tissue and large-scale body growth that was teratogenically affected
This isn’t just about nicotine and brain defects. It’s a proof-of-principle that bioelectric signals can be targeted to correct developmental errors. This opens the door to exploring similar strategies for a wide range of birth defects and regenerative applications, and using ion-channel/voltage as a brand-new class of future medicine!
Michael Levin Bioelectricity 101 Crash Course Lesson 20: HCN2 Channels: Rescuing Brain Development with Bioelectricity Quiz
1. HCN2 channels are activated by:
A) Depolarization
B) Hyperpolarization
C) Chemical signals only
D) Mechanical stress
2. The “CN” in HCN2 stands for:
A) Calcium-Neutral
B) Cyclic Nucleotide
C) Cell-Negative
D) Carbon-Nitrogen
3. Under the conditions found in Xenopus embryos, the opening of HCN2 channels generally leads to:
A) Depolarization
B) Hyperpolarization
C) No change in membrane potential
D) Rapid oscillations in membrane potential
4. Nicotine primarily affects brain development by:
A) Activating HCN2 channels
B) Blocking HCN2 channels
C) Depolarizing the neural tube by activating nAChRs
D) Hyperpolarizing the neural tube by blocking nAChRs
5. The BETSE computational model was used to:
A) Directly measure the membrane potential of individual cells.
B) Predict the effects of nicotine and HCN2 on bioelectric patterns.
C) Visualize the expression of genes in the developing brain.
D) Train tadpoles to avoid red light.
6. Overexpressing HCN2 in nicotine-exposed embryos rescued brain defects by:
A) Blocking the effects of nicotine on nAChRs.
B) Restoring the normal hyperpolarized state of the neural tube.
C) Directly activating the genes needed for brain development.
D) Increasing the overall level of electrical activity in the embryo.
7. The rescue effect of HCN2 is described as “context-specific” because:
A) It only works in Xenopus embryos.
B) It only affects cells that are already relatively hyperpolarized.
C) It requires the presence of nicotine.
D) It only affects brain development, not other tissues.
8. Besides rescuing brain morphology, HCN2 overexpression also improved:
A) The tadpoles’ swimming speed.
B) The tadpoles’ ability to learn.
C) The tadpoles’ resistance to disease.
D) The tadpoles’ skin pigmentation.
9. The rescue of brain development by HCN2 also involved a chance in which genes’ patterns?:
A) hox and wnt
B) sox and fgf
C) emx and pax6
D) otx2 and xbf1
10. The study discussed in this lesson provides a proof-of-principle for:
A) Using gene therapy to correct all birth defects.
B) Manipulating bioelectric signals to correct developmental errors.
C) The importance of avoiding nicotine exposure during pregnancy.
D) The use of Xenopus laevis as a model organism for studying human disease.
11. The term “neuroteratogen” is for describing what?:
A) A special nerve cell
B) An organism that preys on nerve cells.
C) Substances harmful for neural development.
D) Something that encourages brain growth.
12. True or False: HCN2 can *only* restore brain growth in the case where there is nicotine exposure?
A) True
B) False
13. A dominant negative (DN) HCN2 can ____ HCN2 functions
A) Increase and Enhance
B) Negatively regulates and stops.
C) Stabilize and normalize.
D) None of the Above.
14. The research found that even in non-nicotine normal brains, increasing amounts of HCN2 creates..
A) …Smaller sized and worse functioning brain parts.
B) …No discernable changes at all.
C) ..Better brains.
D) None of the above.
15. What does BETSE stand for??
A) BioElectrical Tissue Simulation Engine
B) BioEngineered Tissue Standard Experimentation
C) Biological Testing and Study of Embryos
D) None of the Above
16. Is the bioelectric field pattern itself (without anything directly about gene activation) a cause, or effect, for morphogensis, according to Levin?
A) Cause
B) Effect
17. Was Xenopus chosen to model Nicotine effects, before or after testing on its neuroteratogenic effects on brain in silico with the model first?
A) Before
B) After
18. The effect on learning (a high-level whole body behavior output) was tested through…
A) A multiple-choice maze navigation study.
B) A conditioned aversion experiment that measures ability to associate light cues and mild shock.
C) Surgical investigation after behavioral output changes.
D) Through tracking their overall activity.
19. True or False: A tadpole that’s normal will choose light colors at random at about 50/50 for both.
A) True
B) False.
20. Besides showing effects on morphology (and using BETSE as an prediction tool, showing a mechanism on the tissue level), and demonstrating large changes and even functional fixes to learning capabilities of an entire animal, and being to connect nicotine exposure -> body -> gene effect, the usage of HCN2 for this experiment, also…
A) Demonstrated a previously theoretical model as actually useful *in vivo*..
B) Proved that a completely novel pathway, by selectively applying more correct voltages on tissues via an ion channel, is powerful way to repair significant physical and functional changes of an organism
C) Is the first known experiment to apply using bioelectricity in particular for repairing and ameliorating of a developing animal.
D) All of the Above.
Michael Levin Bioelectricity 101 Crash Course Lesson 20: HCN2 Channels: Rescuing Brain Development with Bioelectricity Answer Sheet
1. B
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. B
11. C
12. B
13. B
14. C
15. A
16. A
17. A
18. B
19. A
20. D
迈克尔·莱文 生物电 101 速成课程 第20课:HCN2 通道:利用生物电拯救大脑发育 摘要
- HCN2(超极化激活环核苷酸门控通道 2)是一种特殊类型的离子通道,具有独特的特性,使其成为操纵生物电信号的有力工具。
- HCN2 通道在超极化(更负)的膜电位下打开,这与大多数在去极化时打开的电压门控通道不同。
- HCN2 通道的开放允许钠离子 (Na+) 和钾离子 (K+) 通过,但在非洲爪蟾胚胎中发现的条件下,净效应是超极化。
- HCN2 通道活性也受 cAMP(环腺苷酸)调节,cAMP 是细胞内的一种信号分子,将其与细胞代谢联系起来。
- 尼古丁是一种神经致畸剂,通过使发育中的神经管去极化来破坏大脑发育,从而破坏至关重要的生物电预模式。
- 过表达 HCN2 可以通过恢复神经管的正常超极化状态来拯救尼古丁诱导的脑缺陷。
- 这种拯救是情境特异性的:HCN2 优先影响已经相对超极化的细胞,放大现有的生物电模式,而不是施加统一的电压。
- HCN2 过表达不仅能恢复大脑形态,还能改善尼古丁暴露蝌蚪的认知功能(学习能力)。
- 这种拯救涉及纠正被尼古丁破坏的关键大脑发育基因(otx2、xbf1)的表达。
- 这项研究证明了一个强有力的原理证明:操纵生物电信号可以纠正发育缺陷,为再生医学开辟了新途径。
- 据他们所知,这也是首次证明使用离子通道和操纵膜电位来成功恢复失去的脑功能和模式。
迈克尔·莱文 生物电 101 速成课程 第20课:HCN2 通道:利用生物电拯救大脑发育
在整个课程中,我们一直在探索生物电的神奇世界——塑造生命的电信号,远远超出了我们熟悉的神经系统电活动。我们已经看到这些信号,特别是稳态电压梯度,如何充当一种“电蓝图”,指导发育、再生,甚至影响癌症。我们也已经看到,生物电不仅仅是快速移动细胞中的动作电位。现在,我们将重点关注这个生物电故事中一个特殊的、了不起的角色:HCN2 通道。本课将我们学习的几个关键线索汇集在一起:离子通道、电压梯度、致畸剂、发育缺陷,以及计算模型理解和操纵生命电密码的力量。
回忆一下之前的课程,离子通道是细胞膜上的蛋白质“门”,控制离子(带电粒子)流入和流出细胞。这些离子流产生电流,离子在膜上的不均匀分布产生膜电位 (Vmem)——细胞内外之间的电压差。Vmem 的变化充当强大的信号,影响广泛的细胞行为,包括细胞增殖、分化、迁移,甚至基因表达。
大多数电压门控离子通道(我们在动作电位的背景下讨论的那种)在膜电位变得更正(去极化)时打开。这就是动作电位上升阶段发生的情况,此时电压门控钠通道打开,允许 Na+ 离子涌入细胞。
然而,HCN 通道是不同的。它们被称为“超极化激活”,因为它们在膜电位变得更负(超极化)时打开。这似乎有悖常理,但这正是这种不寻常的特性使它们如此有趣,并且对于操纵生物电信号如此有用。HCN 中的“CN”代表“环核苷酸门控”。这意味着它们的活性也受到细胞内环核苷酸(如 cAMP)水平的影响。cAMP 是一种“第二信使”分子——它将来自其他分子(如激素)的信号传递到细胞内部。因此,HCN 通道不仅对电压敏感;它们还与细胞的代谢状态有关。
HCN 通道主要有四种类型(HCN1-4)。我们关注 HCN2 是因为它在早期发育的背景下具有一些特别有趣的特性,尤其是因为迈克尔·莱文博士和他的同事们进行的一系列令人难以置信的实验证明了这些作用在体内(在活的生物体中)。
那么,当 HCN2 激活时,这意味着什么呢,它处于低离子浓度的环境中(0.1 x MMR 溶液,非洲爪蟾通常饲养的条件)?要回答这个问题,你必须求助于能斯特/戈德曼方程,该方程预测跨膜梯度的离子行为。但这本身就会成为另一堂课!为了简单起见,HCN2 打开,当它打开时,它会产生更多的超极化。更多开放的 HCN2 通道会在细胞内产生更多的负电荷,而更多关闭的通道会在细胞内产生更多的正电荷。重要的是要说明,离子存在的情境和 HCN2 的实际物理分子特性的结合都是 HCN2 打开/关闭时会发生什么的重要组成部分。
正如我们所了解的,答案部分在于生物电。尼古丁主要通过结合和激活烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体 (nAChRs) 发挥作用。这些受体本身就是离子通道,允许带正电的离子(如 Na+)进入细胞。当尼古丁激活 nAChRs 时,它会导致膜电位去极化。虽然许多组织都会表达 nAChRs 受体,但有一个特别的组织——大脑——表达很多。
还记得我们在前面课程中讨论过的“电面”吗?胚胎发育中至关重要的生物电预模式,其中将成为大脑的区域通常相对于周围组织超极化(更负)?尼古丁会破坏这种模式。通过激活 nAChRs 并导致去极化,尼古丁基本上“擦除”了指导大脑发育的电蓝图。其结果是信号中断和大规模有序模式的破坏——导致在形成大脑的复杂过程中出现严重错误。
现在,HCN2 通道在这里扮演了英雄的角色。莱文的研究团队使用 BETSE(生物电组织模拟引擎)计算模型来了解这种生物电破坏的动态,并找到一种修复它的方法。他们意识到他们需要一种方法来恢复发育中神经管的正常超极化,即使在存在尼古丁的情况下。而且他们需要以一种情境特异性的方式来做到这一点——他们不想让整个胚胎超极化,只想让应该超极化的区域超极化。
这就是 HCN2 通道的独特特性至关重要的地方。因为它们在超极化电压下打开,所以它们可以充当一种“智能开关”。如果一个细胞已经相对超极化,添加 HCN2 通道会使其更加超极化。但如果一个细胞去极化,HCN2 通道将大部分保持关闭状态,它们不会产生太大影响。
BETSE 模型预测,在发育中的胚胎中过表达 HCN2(通过注射编码该通道的 mRNA)会放大现有的生物电模式。它会使超极化区域(未来的大脑)更加超极化,但它会使已经去极化的区域相对保持不变。而且,至关重要的是,它预测即使在存在尼古丁的情况下,这也能奏效。
这些实验涉及将非洲爪蟾胚胎注射入野生型(HCN2-WT,正常的)和“DN”,显性负性版本。然后,科学家们培育蝌蚪,注射不同程度的 HCN2、尼古丁、DN HCN2,或不注射(对照)。这些显示出真正令人着迷和突破性的结果:
- 在正常的蝌蚪中,某些关键的大脑模式区域显示出独特的静息电压,与周围组织不同且更负。
- 当暴露于尼古丁时,它会使大脑生物电模式的那些关键部分去极化。
- 当通过 mRNA 将额外拷贝的 HCN2 引入受尼古丁影响的生物体时,HCN2 可以按照预测的那样,选择性地使该关键区域超极化,甚至比正常大脑更多。
- 正常蝌蚪的大脑看起来具有特定的大脑比例、位置和形状
- 尼古丁暴露显示会产生高度畸形、缺失部分、关键器官较小部分的发生率
- 将 HCN2 mRNA 注射到暴露于尼古丁的动物中可以很大程度上恢复正常模式
- 电压成像: 使用对电压敏感的染料,他们表明,正如预测的那样,尼古丁会使神经管去极化。过表达 HCN2 可以恢复正常的超极化,即使在存在尼古丁的情况下。
- 大脑形态: 尼古丁会导致严重的脑畸形。过表达 HCN2 完全拯救了这些畸形——大脑看起来正常。令人难以置信的是,在正常大脑(没有尼古丁!)中添加额外的 HCN2 使其比普通大脑更好!它加强了正常情况,使其更不可能首先出现异常的形态形成。
- 学习能力: 尼古丁会损害蝌蚪学习简单联想任务的能力。过表达 HCN2 恢复了它们的学习能力。
- 基因表达: 尼古丁会破坏关键大脑发育基因(otx2 和 xbf1)的表达。过表达 HCN2 恢复了正常的基因表达模式。
- 在另一项实验中,显性负性版本(禁用 HCN2 通道)表明,正常的内源性 HCN2 版本不是正确大脑模式所必需的。
这是“理性生物电干预”的一个了不起的例子。研究人员没有试图微观管理每一个细胞过程,而是针对整体生物电模式。他们使用 HCN2 通道作为一种工具来“雕刻”发育中胚胎的电景观,引导细胞回到正确的发育路径。
- 它提供了对尼古丁等致畸剂如何破坏发育的更深入理解。 这不仅仅是干扰特定的化学途径;它是关于破坏协调发育的全局生物电信号。
- 它展示了计算模型理解和操纵复杂生物系统的力量。 BETSE 模型对于确定 HCN2 作为潜在治疗剂至关重要。
- 它为治疗出生缺陷开辟了新的可能性。 使用离子通道来“重新编程”组织生物电状态的想法是再生医学的一种革命性方法。
- 它提供了一个原理证明和第一个演示,证明使用离子通道/生物电基础方法来帮助纠正受致畸影响的组织和大范围身体生长
迈克尔·莱文 生物电 101 速成课程 第20课:HCN2 通道:利用生物电拯救大脑发育 小测验
1. HCN2 通道由以下哪一项激活?
A) 去极化
B) 超极化
C) 仅化学信号
D) 机械应力
2. HCN2 中的“CN”代表:
A) 钙中性 (Calcium-Neutral)
B) 环核苷酸 (Cyclic Nucleotide)
C) 细胞负性 (Cell-Negative)
D) 碳氮 (Carbon-Nitrogen)
3. 在非洲爪蟾胚胎中发现的条件下,HCN2 通道的开放通常会导致:
A) 去极化
B) 超极化
C) 膜电位没有变化
D) 膜电位快速振荡
4. 尼古丁主要通过以下方式影响大脑发育:
A) 激活 HCN2 通道
B) 阻断 HCN2 通道
C) 通过激活 nAChRs 使神经管去极化
D) 通过阻断 nAChRs 使神经管超极化
5. BETSE 计算模型用于:
A) 直接测量单个细胞的膜电位。
B) 预测尼古丁和 HCN2 对生物电模式的影响。
C) 可视化发育中大脑中的基因表达。
D) 训练蝌蚪避开红光。
6. 在暴露于尼古丁的胚胎中过表达 HCN2 通过以下方式拯救了大脑缺陷:
A) 阻断尼古丁对 nAChRs 的影响。
B) 恢复神经管的正常超极化状态。
C) 直接激活大脑发育所需的基因。
D) 增加胚胎中的整体电活动水平。
7. HCN2 的拯救作用被描述为“情境特异性”,因为:
A) 它只在非洲爪蟾胚胎中起作用。
B) 它只影响已经相对超极化的细胞。
C) 它需要尼古丁的存在。
D) 它只影响大脑发育,而不影响其他组织。
8. 除了拯救大脑形态外,HCN2 过表达还改善了:
A) 蝌蚪的游泳速度。
B) 蝌蚪的学习能力。
C) 蝌蚪的抗病能力。
D) 蝌蚪的皮肤色素沉着。
9. HCN2 对大脑发育的拯救还涉及哪些基因模式的变化?:
A) hox 和 wnt
B) sox 和 fgf
C) emx 和 pax6
D) otx2 和 xbf1
10. 本课讨论的研究为以下哪一项提供了原理证明:
A) 使用基因疗法纠正所有出生缺陷。
B) 操纵生物电信号以纠正发育错误。
C) 怀孕期间避免接触尼古丁的重要性。
D) 使用非洲爪蟾作为研究人类疾病的模型生物。
11. 术语“神经致畸剂”用于描述什么?:
A) 一种特殊的神经细胞
B) 一种以神经细胞为食的生物。
C) 对神经发育有害的物质。
D) 鼓励大脑生长的东西。
12. 对或错:HCN2 *只能*在存在尼古丁暴露的情况下恢复大脑生长?
A) 对
B) 错
13. 显性负性 (DN) HCN2 可以 ____ HCN2 功能
A) 增加和增强
B) 负向调节和停止。
C) 稳定和规范化。
D) 以上都不是。
14. 研究发现,即使在非尼古丁正常大脑中,增加 HCN2 的数量也会产生..
A) …更小尺寸和更差功能的大脑部分。
B) …完全没有明显的变化。
C) ..更好的大脑。
D) 以上都不是。
15. BETSE 代表什么??
A) 生物电组织模拟引擎 (BioElectrical Tissue Simulation Engine)
B) 生物工程组织标准实验 (BioEngineered Tissue Standard Experimentation)
C) 胚胎生物学测试和研究 (Biological Testing and Study of Embryos)
D) 以上都不是
16. 根据莱文的说法,生物电场模式本身(没有任何与基因激活直接相关的东西)是形态发生的原因还是结果?
A) 原因
B) 结果
17. 在用该模型对尼古丁对大脑的神经致畸作用进行在体外测试之前还是之后,选择非洲爪蟾来模拟尼古丁效应?
A) 之前
B) 之后
18. 对学习(一种高级全身行为输出)的影响是通过以下哪一项进行测试的…
A) 多项选择迷宫导航研究。
B) 一种测量将光线提示与轻微电击联系起来的能力的条件厌恶实验。
C) 行为输出改变后的手术调查。
D) 通过跟踪它们的整体活动。
19. 对或错:正常的蝌蚪会随机选择浅色,两种颜色的选择概率约为 50/50。
A) 对
B) 错。
20. 除了显示对形态学的影响(并使用 BETSE 作为预测工具,显示组织水平的机制),并证明对整个动物的学习能力的巨大变化甚至功能修复,以及能够连接尼古丁暴露 -> 身体 -> 基因效应,将 HCN2 用于该实验,还…
A) 证明了先前理论模型实际上在体内有用。.
B) 证明了一种全新的途径,通过选择性地通过离子通道在组织上施加更正确的电压,是修复生物体重大物理和功能变化的有力方法
C) 是第一个已知的特别应用生物电来修复和改善发育中动物的实验。
D) 以上都是。
迈克尔·莱文 生物电 101 速成课程 第20课:HCN2 通道:利用生物电拯救大脑发育 答案表
1. B
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. B
11. C
12. B
13. B
14. C
15. A
16. A
17. A
18. B
19. A
20. D