Introduction: Bioelectricity and Intelligence
- Levin discusses bioelectricity’s role in biology and medicine, emphasizing its importance beyond genetics and epigenetics. He’s interested in how minds exist in the physical world and bioelectricity provides insight on how simple cells have scaled up goals.
- Intelligence is defined (following William James) as “the ability to achieve the same goal by different means.” This definition highlights adaptability, not specific brain structures. It emphasizes the *spectrum* of cleverness, from magnets to Romeo & Juliet.
- The book “The Body Electric” by Robert Becker had the greatest influence. Burr forseeing the importance of bioelectricity by only utilizing simple voltage measurements also had a big impact.
Bioelectricity: Beyond Genetics
- The genome specifies protein components (the “hardware”). Bioelectricity is the “software” that determines *what* the hardware does. It’s not just another *layer* of complexity; it’s a higher-level organizational principle.
- Analogy to Computers: The genome is like defining transistors. Bioelectricity is like the algorithms that make those transistors perform computations. Trying to program a computer by soldering is inefficient; bioelectricity is the higher-level interface.
- Neural Decoding Analogy: Just as brain electrophysiology encodes memories and goals, bioelectricity in the rest of the body encodes *anatomical* goals and memories.
- Cloning vs. “You”: Cloning your DNA duplicates the body plan, *but not the mind*. The mind comes from experiences and physiological states (including bioelectricity). The body plan is reliably *produced*, but not *directly encoded* in the DNA.
- Analogy of Logic Gate: You only know the *components*, the transistors and how they link, you get a Logic gate (such as Nand), which then performs computations never written, but resulting as consequences of how things were organized.
The Observer and “Polycomputation”
- Biological processes (behavior, intelligence, computation) are *observer-relative*. The system itself can be the observer, forming a “strange loop” (Hofstadter).
- Multiple Viewpoint Computation: same set of physical events are different computations from different viewpoints.
Experiments: Frog Eye Relocation and Picasso Frogs
- Eye on the Tail Experiment demonstrates remarkable plasticity, showing that even if sensory system are NOT located to their normal placement, the sensory still is processed for visual input.. Frog’s visual system *immediately* adapts to an eye relocated to the tail. The eye doesn’t connect to the brain directly, yet the frog can *see* through it. This challenges the notion of hardwired development.
- Picasso Frog, which demonstrates Robust Morphogenesis: Tadpole faces can be rearranged (“Picasso-fied”), yet the organs move *intelligently* to the correct final positions. This isn’t hardwired; it’s a homeostatic process. Cells “know” where to go *relative to the goal*, not by following fixed instructions.
Homeostasis, Navigation, and the “Target Morphology”
- Morphogenesis and regeneration are viewed as a *navigational* process in “morphospace” (the space of possible anatomical forms). Cells are working, similar to autonomous vehicles.
- Like a thermostat, a developing/regenerating system minimizes the error between its current state and a “target morphology” (a setpoint).
- The Prediction: If we find and can rewrite this “setpoint,” we can control anatomical outcomes *without micromanaging the genetics or knowing every detail*. This is crucial for regenerative medicine.
- Navigational algos only works, by contrasting itself vs target and its goal.
- The target morphology (setpoint) is encoded *bioelectrically*.
Bioelectrical Imaging and “Hacking the System”
- Voltage-sensitive dyes allow visualizing the electrical patterns in developing embryos *before* anatomical structures appear. These patterns prefigure the future anatomy (e.g., the “electric face”).
- Electrical patterns are in frogs, seen *before* anatomical.
- These electrical patterns *instruct* gene expression and anatomical development. By mimicking these patterns, you can induce structures in the wrong places (e.g., an eye on the gut).
- This is “hacking the system”: Evolution has provided a bioelectrical interface, and we’re learning to use it. Cells respond to the *error signal* represented by the electrical pattern.
- No use of *external* electric. Instead using drugs on native ION channels.
Planaria: Immortality, Regeneration, and Memory
- Planaria are immortal, highly regenerative (can regrow any body part), and demonstrate memory transfer after decapitation (the regrown head remembers).
- Two-Headed Planaria: The electrical pattern (“one head, one tail”) can be *rewritten* to create two-headed worms. This altered pattern is *stable*: cutting a two-headed worm results in *another* two-headed worm. It’s a non-genetic “memory” of the body plan. The “target morpholopy”.
- The genome of Planaria looks “cancer” because all cells has varied number of chromosomes. Despite bad “genome” have “perfect” anatomical control. This algorithm is Robust to *ignore* genetic defects, except via rewriting electric signal, aka *algorithm*, to rewrite target-morphology.
- No mutant genetic Planaria, because target-morphology “algorithm” so strong to overcome them.
Implications for Regenerative Medicine
- Principles of regeneration are ancient and conserved across species, meaning insights from planaria and frogs are *likely* applicable to humans.
- Bioelectric signals are a very compact encoding for building anatomies. (e.g. telling them build leg there).
- Goal: Manipulate the bioelectric “software” to guide regeneration and potentially reverse aging or treat cancer. The bioelectric state is the communication for anatomical change and instruction. Treating cancer by normalizing cells. Connecting disconencted cancer cells.
- This involves using “electroceuticals” (drugs targeting ion channels) to alter the bioelectric patterns, *not* genetic manipulation. Wearable Bioreactors and gels, not electrodes or radiation, is the methodology to *tell cells to rebuild at an injurt* by open/closing correct ion channel as encoded.
- Bioelectric Communication Not-Local. Can affect cells very far, even the belly affecting brains.
Collective Intelligence and Multi-Scale Competency
- All intelligence is collective; no indivisible intelligence exists. We are “walking bags of neurons.”
- “Emergence” is not an explanation; it’s a label for the unsolved problem of how local goals scale up to larger goals. Levin proposes a theory of how cognition scales.
- “Cognitive Light Cone”: The size of the largest goal a system can pursue. Bacteria have tiny light cones; humans have large ones.
- System bends action spaces of sub parts. Electrons moves specific ways to *calculate* PI.
- No complete comprehension for sub-component neuron, for example, is possible, of the main-brain and the totality of decision making.
- Always Breadth-first in approaching problems: Outline, Fill-details, so can divide work into smaller steps, separating Creativity from “Mechanical”.