Realism and the Moon (Interface Theory)
- Question: If the moon isn’t “rendered” when unobserved, how can we predict its future position?
- Analogy: VR multiplayer game (Grand Theft Auto). A red Ferrari exists only when rendered, but the *supercomputer* (underlying reality) has lawful processes.
- We can use our space-time intuitions (Newtonian physics) to predict, but this is a “useful way to do things,” not necessarily *truth*. The VR analogy highlights this.
- Predictive models work due to underlying lawful processes, even if the *representation* (moon, Ferrari) is not “real” when unobserved.
Living vs. Non-Living Distinction
- Hoffman disagrees with Bernardo Kastrup (partially): No fundamental distinction between living and non-living.
- The distinction is an “artifact” of our limited “dashboard” (interface). Useful within the “game,” but not a deep, principled distinction.
- This follows from seriously considering idealism and interface theory.
Scientific Progress: Closer to Reality?
- Question: Does moving from Newtonian to relativistic physics get us “closer” to the underlying reality?
- Scientific theories always start with *assumptions* (miracles). Deeper theories explain prior assumptions, but have *new* assumptions, ad infinitum.
- Science is always *infinitely far* from a “Theory of Everything.” It’s like a child asking “why, why, why?” – there’s always a deeper level.
- Space-time itself is an assumption, and physicists (“SpaceTime is doomed”) are moving beyond it.
- Science provides increasingly useful *descriptions of a perspective*, not closer approximations to ultimate truth. An infinite number of persepctives exist.
- Analogy. Humbling view: our 4D spacetime is a “trivial headset”, perhaps the dumbest out of a potentially more accurate “headset” with ,000s of dimentions.
- Better theories are more useful *within our perspective*, not necessarily closer to “ultimate truth.”
Zoom Blurring and Scientific Theories
- Humorous note: Zoom’s background blurring briefly reveals the “reality” behind Hoffman’s virtual background.
- Assessing Theories. Arham Razor used to access a scientific theory. One assesses theories based on fewest “miracles”. Ideally, we should not need any miracle to justify, but any thoery will.
- The assumption we take within the perspective can differ as different assumptions are used within the same thing, there is not specific rule or order to determine which theory is right or useful.
- The “Space-Time perspective” might itself have multiple possible underlying theories. There is not a method to which to access theories with less miracles with another method of less miracles, there’s infinitely more perspectives, thus how many “miracles we use to explain predictions don’t tell us which onf those persective is “true”.
VR and Lawlike Behavior in a System
- If modeling for a system where ferari’s do exist allows us to model the lawlike system behind, how does the perceived Space-Time affect modeling?
- Child phychologist shows children wired by age of four months old for that.
Meta Considerations, Ultimate Reality, and Concepts
- Analogy: is assessing theory vs theory on meta principles.
- It is difficult to take perspective without theoretical idea.
- The “ultimate nature of reality” likely *transcends concepts*. Incompleteness results (Gödel) suggest this.
- Non-conceptual knowledge: any attempt to describe it with concepts is inherently wrong. (Analogy: Tao Te Ching’s opening line).
- “to be the truth by letting go of all Concepts”. This type of truth isn’t knowledge but it’s entrirely “non-conceptual knoweledge”.
- There may be an uncapturable deeper “synchronistic”.
- Conflation. We often wrongly think our theories are true and this isn’t an accurate representation. A modest approach would acknowledge theory as human and it isn’t final.
- Analogy: Gestalt perception, parts dont accurately represents “truth” or description.
Markovian Dynamics and Perspectives
- Mathematical model attempt (humble): Stationary Markovian dynamics, where entropy remains constant (no entropic arrow of time). “It always was and always will be.”
- Taking a *perspective* (projection) creates the *appearance* of increasing entropy, an arrow of time, and competition (e.g., evolution).
- Things exist just the same. Projection makes loss of info appear to increase.
- Example. from within Spacetime. It shows up: limited resources, Nature, organisms fighting, predicting processsing, blankets.
- Brillint tools which shows what a perspective *could* appear.
- This model demonstrates how a “synchronistic” system can appear to have these features from a specific viewpoint.
- Time. There won’t be cause of anyting. Connection between perspective where there would be.
- First-person perspecitive can affect it. Time is always now, which shows it might be an “illusion”.
Frame Rates, High-Dimensional Curves, and Events
- Analogy: High-dimensional curve (possibly a knot) representing everything. Projections give the appearance of events, causes, etc.
- High-dimensional curve as a project that gives Fractal Perspective.
- Conceptual idea: varying experience like going along a subway train and experiencing waving parts of the same curve in different frame-rates.
- Multile speeds would make eventfulness come or not (speed of viewing changes to experience).
- Suggests a possible way to make “time” appear fractal in projections.
Positive Geometries (Timeless Structures)
- Analogy to the EU initiative project, Universe+.
- This new type of geometry allows them to take a step outside of Space-Time and is new, as its a 10 yr old.
- It can provide predictions but isn’t dynamical (a “shape”, not a “process”)
- Universe+ initiative: finding timeless structures *outside* spacetime (e.g., amplituhedron, cosmological polytopes).
- These structures can predict particle interactions (e.g., gluon scattering) *more efficiently* than quantum field theory within spacetime. Show new symmetries (infinite yangying symmetry).
- The theory, amplitud hedrin, is “more complicated” than polytrope “out there”.
- SpaceTime and quantum theory *emerge* as projections of these deeper structures. M=4 of a projection of Amplitud Hedrin.
- Current control knobs involve geometric properties (faces, volumes). Future models might involve dynamics and new, more powerful control knobs.
- “Mass” might be the projected entropy rate of communicaiton classes. This offers us predictive power to get better theory for those.
- Analogy: sequence of the action under the “old-model” will give new ways of actions of combinations.
- The example of the M-value, whih controls dimensions to 4d. Why not higher d values?
Theories, Limits, and Dogmatism
- All scientific theories have a *limited scope*. A *great* theory provides the tools to find its *own* limits (e.g., Einstein’s theory and the Planck scale).
- Theory with Miracles vs one w/o: Theories can conflict with itself to give tools on how theory can conflict itself.
- Philosophers debate if we are shooting ourselves on foot by self-referential arguemnts, but the field has good theories that have ability for mathematical theories which allows you to give up with current theory, with examples.
- Analogy. incompleteness is a proof that logic itself cannot cover whole truth, such an arguemtn.
- Dogmatic Science: the precise mathematics in a theory is good.
- The Cure: mathematical. Dogmatic vs science is ability to find it wrong, by being slow-moving but being correct.
- Chris Fields: only technologies will settle arguments because of how impactful the uses can become with those technologies, they will move to use it.
Time, Causation, and Agency (Circular Time)
- Analogy: circular time model allows for prediction through looking into the future.
- Prediction can be through taking a snapshot of circular motion.
- Circular oscillations/vibrations: Objects are combinations of harmonics.
- Agency emerges if it is as though events occur due to agency (predictions) or the cause (result). Only occurs with cyclic.
- Analogy: The same event, such as prediction or causation can exist from just one perspective in time.
- Looking through finer “frame-rate” could give illusion for the above.
- Different “temporal windows” could explain observed phenomena (e.g., particle distributions inside the proton).
- Small temperol windows could be connected with predicting high resolution “distributions” through “particles that look like massless” through artifacts of sampline.
- Through this way, one is not looking to what they are, but closer, to the noise and the artifacts the closer you “observe” it to make prediction.
- Nested selves could emerge from harmonics in oscillations.
- Connections being worked between this theory to previous theory, such as to Markovian’s Dynamic.
- Concious Agent Theory shows similar properties through Vibes, compatitibleness of harmony, through use of things such as Trave Logic and similar connections.
- Connection: Taking particular frame rates is equivalent to predicting or “seeing” the past, so agency, is “looking like agency”.