Cancer as a disorder of patterning information computational and biophysical perspectives on the cancer problem Michael Levin Research Paper Summary



Overview of the Research Paper

  • This paper explores cancer not just as a genetic mutation but as a failure in the body’s ability to coordinate cells into proper patterns—a breakdown in the “patterning information” that normally keeps tissues organized.
  • It contrasts two main theories: the traditional Somatic Mutation Theory (SMT) versus the Tissue Organization Field Theory (TOFT), which views cancer as a disruption in the way cells communicate to maintain overall structure.
  • The work uses concepts from computational science and biophysics—especially bioelectric signals and information theory—to explain how cells normally “talk” to each other and what goes wrong in cancer.
  • Metaphor: Think of it as following a recipe exactly. If one step or ingredient is off, the entire dish (our healthy body) can turn out badly (resulting in cancer).


  • Cancer is presented as a complex, systemic failure of cellular organization rather than merely a result of random genetic errors.
  • The paper compares the idea that cancer comes from isolated genetic mutations (SMT) with the concept that it arises from a failure of the body’s overall instructions (TOFT).
  • Analogy: Imagine a city where every citizen (cell) follows a common set of rules; if the communication system fails, even perfectly functioning individuals can contribute to chaos.

Information in Biological Systems

  • Cells and tissues process information similar to a computer, using signals, feedback loops, and stored “memories” to guide behavior.
  • Key concepts include Shannon entropy and mutual information, which help measure the unpredictability and the shared information within the system.
  • This approach helps explain how cells “decide” on actions and maintain their roles.
  • Metaphor: It is like a conversation where the new information exchanged tells you how well everyone is following the overall plan.

Cancer as a Disorder of Pattern Regulation

  • Dynamic Pattern Control and Anatomical Homeostasis
    • The body maintains a stable structure by coordinating cell behavior in accordance with a pre-set blueprint, known as target morphology.
    • This process is similar to continually repairing a building using a precise construction plan.
  • Disruption of the Morphogenetic Field
    • A morphogenetic field is the network of signals (chemical, physical, bioelectric) that instructs cells on where and how to form tissues.
    • If cells can no longer “read” these signals—like a broken GPS— they lose their ability to integrate into the body’s structure, leading to cancer.
  • Bioelectric Regulation
    • Cells use bioelectric signals, such as membrane potential (Vmem), to coordinate activities.
    • Components like ion channels and gap junctions act like wires and routers in an electrical network, transmitting signals between cells.
    • Abnormalities in these signals can trigger uncontrolled growth and tumor formation.
  • Ion Channels as Oncogenes and Drug Targets
    • Alterations in ion channels can drive the transformation of normal cells into cancer cells by disrupting normal electrical communication.
    • This insight offers potential new drug targets—repairing or modulating these channels might restore proper cell behavior.
  • Unique Bioelectric Signatures
    • Cancer cells often exhibit distinct electrical patterns compared to normal cells.
    • These unique signatures can serve as early warning signs, much like unusual dashboard readings in a car indicate a potential problem.
  • Modulation of Bioelectric States
    • Experimental data show that intentionally altering a cell’s bioelectric state can either induce a cancer-like (metastatic) behavior or suppress tumor growth.
    • For example, depolarization (a shift toward a less negative state) can promote cancerous behavior, whereas hyperpolarization (making the cell more negative) can inhibit tumor formation.
    • Analogy: Adjusting the settings on a radio—correct tuning produces clear sound (normal behavior), while mistuning results in static (cancer).

Information Dynamics in Cancer

  • Information Storage
    • Cells store information about their past states, which helps predict their future actions. This is quantified using a measure called Active Information Storage (AIS).
    • Think of it as a computer’s memory that keeps a record of previous operations to guide future decisions.
  • Information Processing
    • Transfer Entropy (TE) measures the directional flow of information from one cell (or network) to another.
    • This can reveal how changes in one cell can influence another, much like how a change in one department of a company affects another.
  • Application to Gene Regulatory Networks
    • By applying these information theory tools to gene networks, researchers can identify critical control nodes that may serve as promising drug targets.
    • Metaphor: It is similar to finding the central switches in a complex control panel that regulate many functions.

Global Physiological Dynamics and Integration

  • Cancer is viewed not merely as a localized cell malfunction but as a failure of global tissue integration.
  • The body’s large-scale physiological signals—especially long-range bioelectric cues—are essential for keeping tissues coordinated.
  • When these integrative signals break down, the orderly “conversation” among cells is lost, leading to disorganized growth.

Integration and Information Theories

  • Integrated Information Theory (IIT)
    • IIT quantifies how much more effective a system is when working together than the sum of its individual parts.
    • It uses measures like Effective Information (EI) and integrated information (ϕ) to assess this teamwork.
    • Analogy: Consider a sports team where the collective performance far exceeds the individual efforts of each player alone.
  • Integrated Spatiotemporal Patterns (ISTP)
    • ISTP is a method to quantify the “agency” or the collective decision-making ability of cells over time and space.
    • This approach evaluates how well cells integrate their actions with their environment.
    • Metaphor: It is like observing how a flock of birds maintains its formation and adjusts to wind changes, acting as one coordinated unit.


  • The paper argues that cancer should be understood as a breakdown in the informational and bioelectric communication that normally maintains tissue structure.
  • This view shifts the focus from only targeting genetic mutations to also restoring proper communication and pattern regulation among cells.
  • Future therapies may combine conventional treatments with approaches that modulate bioelectric states and apply information-based diagnostics to reprogram cancer cells back to normal behavior.
  • Overall, solving the cancer problem may depend on understanding how cells collectively process information and maintain order—a systems-level perspective rather than a purely molecular one.

结论概述 (中文版本)

  • 本文探讨了癌症不仅仅是一种基因突变,而是一种细胞无法正确组织成健康结构的模式信息失调,即细胞间通讯和整体组织指令的崩溃。
  • 文章对比了两种观点:传统的体细胞突变理论 (SMT) 与组织场理论 (TOFT),后者认为癌症源自细胞之间无法正确协调,从而导致整体结构失调。
  • 论文利用计算科学和生物物理学的概念,尤其是生物电信号和信息论,解释了细胞如何正常“对话”以及当这种通讯失败时会发生什么。
  • 比喻:这就像一份食谱,每一步都必须严格遵守;若某一环节或成分出现问题,最终成品(健康组织)就会变得异常(癌症)。


  • 文章指出,癌症是一种系统性细胞组织失调,而不仅仅是个别细胞内的基因错误。
  • 它对比了将癌症视为个体基因突变 (SMT) 与将其视为整体模式指令失效 (TOFT) 的观点。
  • 类比:想象一个城市中,每个市民都遵守一定规则来维持秩序;如果通讯系统瘫痪,即使个体都没问题,整个城市也会陷入混乱。


  • 细胞和组织处理信息的方式类似于计算机,通过信号、反馈回路和“记忆”来引导行为。
  • 文中使用香农熵和互信息等概念来衡量系统中的不确定性以及各部分之间共享的信息量。
  • 这种信息框架帮助我们理解细胞如何“决策”和保持其正常功能。
  • 比喻:这就像一场对话,新信息的交换决定了大家对整体计划的理解程度。


  • 动态模式控制与解剖稳态
    • 正常情况下,身体通过协调细胞行为保持稳定结构,就像依照蓝图不断修复受损建筑。
  • 形态发生场的中断
    • 形态发生场是指导细胞形成正确结构的各种信号(包括化学、物理和生物电信号)的集合。
    • 当细胞无法感知或响应这些信号时,就好比GPS故障,导致细胞迷失方向,从而引发癌症。
  • 生物电调控
    • 细胞利用生物电信号(例如膜电位,Vmem)进行交流和协调,离子通道和缝隙连接在其中起着类似于电线和路由器的作用。
    • 这些信号的异常会导致细胞失控增生和肿瘤形成。
  • 离子通道作为致癌基因和药物靶点
    • 离子通道的改变可能导致细胞通讯紊乱,从而驱动癌症的发展。
    • 这为开发针对这些通道的药物提供了新的可能,就如同修复故障电路以恢复正常功能。
  • 癌症特有的生物电信号
    • 癌细胞通常表现出与正常细胞不同的电信号模式,这些特征可以作为早期预警信号,就像汽车仪表盘上的异常读数预示故障。
  • 生物电状态调控
    • 实验表明,通过调控生物电信号,可以诱发或抑制癌症样行为。例如,去极化可促进类似转移的状态,而超极化则能抑制肿瘤生长。
    • 比喻:就像调频收音机,只有调整到正确频率,才能听到清晰的音乐;设置错误则会出现噪音(癌症)。


  • 信息存储
    • 细胞存储过去状态的信息,这有助于预测未来行为。这一过程通过主动信息存储 (AIS) 来衡量,类似于计算机使用内存。
  • 信息处理
    • 转移熵 (TE) 衡量信息从一个细胞传递到另一个细胞的方向性,帮助揭示细胞间如何相互影响,就像一个部门的决策影响另一个部门。
  • 基因调控网络的应用
    • 利用信息论工具分析基因网络,可以找出关键调控节点,这些节点可能成为药物靶点。
    • 比喻:这类似于在复杂控制面板中找出管理主要功能的核心开关。


  • 癌症不仅仅是局部细胞的问题,而是整体组织整合失调的结果。
  • 体内的长程生物电信号和整体生理动态对于维持健康的组织结构至关重要。
  • 当这些系统失效时,细胞之间的“对话”中断,导致生长紊乱。


  • 整合信息理论 (IIT)
    • IIT 量化了一个系统整体所产生的信息量超过各部分单独贡献的程度,使用有效信息 (EI) 和整合信息 (ϕ) 进行衡量。
    • 类比:就像评估一个团队的整体表现远胜于单个成员的表现。
  • 时空整合模式 (ISTP)
    • ISTP 方法帮助量化细胞群体随时间和空间的“代理性”或集体决策能力,反映细胞如何整合信息并与环境互动。
    • 比喻:就像观察一群鸟如何协同飞行并根据风向调整队形,形成一个有机整体。


  • 文章主张,癌症应被视为一种细胞间生物电和信息通讯失调的结果,而不仅仅是单个细胞内的基因突变。
  • 这一视角将研究焦点从单纯消灭突变细胞转向修复细胞间的正常交流和模式调控。
  • 未来的治疗方法可能会结合传统疗法与生物电调控和信息学诊断,重新编程癌细胞恢复正常行为。
  • 简而言之,理解癌症需要从整体上认识细胞如何共同处理信息、维持秩序以及响应环境变化。