Introduction: Rethinking Discrete Categories
- Traditional biology relies on discrete categories (species, individuals), but this breaks down with evolution, development, and future bioengineering. We need a framework for diverse intelligences, regardless of origin or composition.
- Adam naming animals (genesis): name meant knowign their essence; Deep point, which means we must name and “find true name and essence” of the new chimerical types of minds which shall arrise; Discrete categorization that comes from adam (seperate sepeices, even humans) is useless; All future intelligences can blend between software/biology.
- The categories of defining which is which (between different intelligent agent) is going to fall. The idea that there is discreteness of each animal. All biological species blends together along an evolutionarilly and developmentally; humans is not one thing, not a seperate discreet entity from the others, it has developed into being, over time. This idea to go find some magical “line” is gone (gone over the study of evolution); same applies to individual developent (that there is no discreet thing to be considered a ‘thing’); same issue with time going FORWARD as future biological interventions will break and blur that ‘line’ (in terms of engineering)
Scaling of Intelligence: From Cells to Minds
- All organisms, including humans, are collective intelligences: collections of cells cooperating to achieve goals. We are each collective intelligences.
- Development: The journey from a single cell (with “just physics”) to a complex mind is gradual, *not* a sudden jump. There’s no bright line where “mind” appears.
- Cells are “agential material,” not passive like Legos. Cells have their own agendas and problem-solving capacities.
- Unified Intelligence? is questioned, because even our singular brain contains billions of pieces. Even inside the parts inside a Pineal Gland: they contain many, individual, parts. The magic “part” that made Descartes think our conciosness originated was made of countless parts and those, even still, have their own parts, etc.
- Alan Turning studied both computer intellgience and morphogensis. The point that Allen Turing probably had but didn’t quite articulate, that Levin makes here: “the process of intelligence forming and morphogenesis (anatomy of a living creature, from fertilization to full creature) formation is incredibly similar (they follow very very similar lines; perhaps two aspects of the same thing).
- Embryonic “counting”: The number of “selves” in an embryo isn’t fixed by genetics; it’s a dynamic physiological process. Cells “decide” which collective to join.
- Splint Brain studies reveals, like embryonic counting, this phenomenon also occurse *in* the brain.
- Radical metamorphosis (caterpillar to butterfly): Memory persists even when the brain is drastically remodeled. It *generalizes* information (leaf color to “food”).
- Who ownes “knowledge”? (The Lever Pulling Rat: The skin touches lever. the tummy get treats. No ONE cell experiences both, no cells has that knowledge, therefore, the entity which has the knowledge is THE ENTIRE ORGANISM; nervous system as cognative glue.)
- Planarian regeneration: Memory can be stored *outside* the brain and imprinted on a new brain. The target morphology (what to regenerate) can be changed without altering DNA.
- Multi-scale competency architecture: Every level (molecular, cellular, tissue, organ) can solve problems in its own “space” (gene expression, physiology, anatomy).
Morphogenesis as Collective Intelligence Behavior
- Human “Morphospace”: Organisms navigate “morphospace” (the space of possible shapes). Development isn’t just “reliable”; it’s robust and plastic.
- Development isn’t *just* reliable: Salmander examples of growing kidneys/tubule structure correctly despite different genetic abberations; they use different mechanisms to end up witht he *same* structures (a key indicator for intelligence).
- Tadpole/frog facial rearrangments (Scrambling/Piccaso frog example) showed that it *still* can build new organs, despite abberations. The ability to have robust flexibility to “make” new ways (if the typical development pathways have been removed/destroyed/abberated in some ways) *IS* and indicator for a type of “problem solving intelligence”.
- Morphogensis is GOAL ORIENTED PROBLEM SOLVING, *not* simple emergency or “insturctions”.
- Fly patterns (“virtual ants”): Morphogenetic outcomes are not strictly limited by the genome. Other bioengineers (e.g., wasps on oak leaves) can induce radically different forms.
- The “space” or total posssibilites of what and how organism can reconfigure itself has never been fully measured or quantified; so far, we just *dont know*. All estimations and constraints are on OUR part (on humans parts) not on the organism’s “part”; there may be incredible ways organism can self-assemble that we don’t understand and has NEVER been documented, or thought possible, before. The typical constraint (it cannot be like that! it will NEVER be like that!) are only a reflection of what *we* can conceptualise (which may or may not correlate to reality at all).
- Morphogenesis is behavior: a collective intelligence of cells *behaving* in anatomical space, aiming for a “target morphology” (like a setpoint).
- Communicating with that intelligence: Bioelectricity is a key interface, not just the nervous system. We can “read and write” the “mind” of morphogenesis using bioelectric signals.
- Tumor Supression through bioelectric modulation and connections.
- Ectopic eye formation: Bioelectric signals can instruct cells to build an eye in an unexpected location (e.g., the gut), overriding genetic “competency” limitations.
- Xenobots (Frog Skin cells): cells have inherent, self assembling ability to construct novel and unique behaviors.
- Anthrobots: Human cells *ALSO* have same unique emergent problem-solving and “novel structure creating and finding and making” when they are in some kind of environement, they find/create novel structrues: example “superbot”, many antibots join, and the “knit back the nurons” together.
- Implications: the goal isnt just to see morphogensis/intelligence through an etheareal philosophically.
Implications for AI and Ethics
- The *real* AI question: How to recognize and ethically relate to diverse, potentially alien intelligences (biological, artificial, hybrid). Not just about current language models.
- There exist a “Persuadibility Spectrim” of: rewiring, cybernetics, behavioural Science and training, all the way to a “human”-like “cogent reasoning”, on it, things exists. (not about how “human” it is).
- Many other Minds that “fit” into the category of an intelligence exists that is not just Human intelligence. We dont want to deny Intelligence/Mind/value to things because they arent “human”-enough.
- There is the potential and “very easy to fall into”-risk of Ethicial Mistakes and Errors (such as humans has a long, dangerous, and destructive histroy of being in “in-groups and out-groups”); for things that exists at this extreme (non-human intelligence) that may very well exist, we, for our own interest, want to learn and study their properties instead of treating them as a out-group and dismissing them as simple tools/non-cognative things to use/abuse/exploit (similar, in histroy, some humans use to threat certain outgroup humans; as non-humans, to exploit).
- This *is* a synbiosis.
- Don’t judge beings based on origin (evolved, engineered, software) or composition (“metallic clang”). We need better ethical frameworks.
- This isn’t just philosophy: It leads to new discoveries in biomedicine, engineering, and understanding intelligence itself. (there exists discoveries we could have, in other areas, by considering other non-traditional intelligent systems, too, this isnt “just philosophy”)
- Objectphilia to Love for Your Own Kind: a scale; objectophillia is when people love inanimate object; versus love-only-your-own-kind, it is far more dangeous to think there exists intelligences that *do* exists (such as A.I. and those biological or digital/bio structures mentioned earleir), to put it on this *spectrum*, that love-only-your-own-kind” spectrum: (where it’s too similar, and you treat them as inamitate objects and use them) is going to become dangerous to ALL parties involved.