Introduction: A New Framework for Understanding Life
- Levin’s approach integrates developmental biology, computer science, and philosophy to study agency, memory, and problem-solving in living systems. He proposes that it drives new discovery, in capabilities for building, communication, and unconvential “agent”-like constructs.
- Focuses on “navigating problem spaces” as a key characteristic of life, allowing us to understand unconventional agents (cells, swarms, AI, etc.) using this characteristic as an invariant to compare them.
- Primary example: collective intelligence of cells navigating anatomical “morphospace” (the space of possible body forms).
- Electrical networks act as a “protocognitive medium,” enabling cells to solve problems in anatomical space, impacting, bioengineering and, biomedicine.
- End-goal explores creation of synthetic living beings to understand the origins of novel goals.
Beyond Discrete Natural Kinds: A Continuum of Agency
- Challenges the traditional view of distinct biological “kinds” (like Adam naming animals), arguing for a continuum of forms and agency, from single cells to humans, citing Darwin (Evolution).
- Biotechnology and engineering further blur these lines, creating hybrids and chimeras, which requires new Frameworks to fit them in.
- Framework needed to think about diverse agents: primates, birds, colonial organisms, synthetic life, AI, and even potential exobiological entities, which frameworks from rosenbluether and bigalow are considered..
- Introduces “continuum of persuadability,” an engineering-focused approach: how systems change. Simple systems need rewiring; complex ones respond to experiences (dog training), reasons. Levin wants it not as just a philosophical concept but one used to directly impact research (where Modern bio, thinks “cells”, but should do testing).
- Our development. We originate as a single, quiescent cell (“just physics”) but gradually transform into beings with psychological characteristics, going to state he “hates that phrase”. There is No single “spot”, even the unified singular intelligence deart spoke of for humans is actually decentralized collections of cells..
- Therefore. We are not singular, centralized minds; but. “collective intelligences” built of “agential material” (cells with their own “agendas”). Examples of, cellular decision making. Single-celled organisms competently handle needs without brains/nervous systems, and Caterpillars radically change (metamorphosis) but retain some memories, and planaria regenerate and their “cut” tails grows an original, retaining learned info.
- Multi-Scale Competency Architecture: every biological level (cells, tissues, organs) has problem-solving capabilities in different “spaces” (transcriptional, physiological, anatomical). Human perception biased towards 3D; we might directly perceive complex physiological spaces if we had the right sensors, as cells do it internally.
Morphogenesis as Problem Solving: Turing’s Insight
- Highlights Alan Turing’s interest in both computation/intelligence and morphogenesis (the development of form). Turing recognized this as 1) using different substraces, and 2) origins in chemical system (he researched).
- Anatomical morphospace: the complex order of the body (organs, tissues) emerges from embryonic cells, yet the genome only encodes *protein* sequences, *not* a blueprint. Therefore Morphogenesis is a “software” problem. How cell groups collectively “decide” what to build. This information not written, but, emegeres, which is what Regenerative Medicing tries to understand.
- Goals: how cell groups “know” what to make and when to stop (regeneration). As Engineers: exploring possibilities, which may mean creating a novel form of similar cells.
- “Anatomical Compiler” (long-term goal): translate a desired shape into stimuli that guide cells to build it, with implication sin medicine and development/control, that wouldn’t need a printer to 3d assemble it.
- The lack of an Anatomical compiler is Because Molecular biology “stuck” at hardware level (DNA editing, protein engineering), neglecting “software of life” (cellular intelligence, problem-solving).
- Intelligence redefined (William James): reaching the same goal by different means, from Magnets unable to, and romeo and julia capable, of planning. A continuum. Requires *perturbation* (obstacles), not just observation.
Anatomical Homeostasis and Bioelectric Memory
- The observation that. Development is reliable (normal embryos become normal organisms), is a start. However, embryos cut into pieces (twins) still form complete organisms. This suggests: *regulative development*: reaching the same anatomical goal by different paths.
- Amphibians (e.g., salamanders) regenerate throughout life; even in humans/mammals it partially exists (livers, fingertips, deer antlers), so it shows this ability to “self repair”, is not “gone”.
- Example in Kidney tubules. Cells with *more* genetic material become *larger*, but tubule *number* adjusts to maintain lumen size, and even Single *gigantic* cells can bend around themselves. All for: Large Scale Goal, to build correctly, not just a single static solution.
- Challenges “feed-forward emergence”. There’s anatomical homeostasis *with feedback loops* (genetic and physical) guiding development back to “target morphology” and taking a differnet path as needed.
- Contrast: Typical feedback loops (temperature, pH) have *scalar* set points, while. Anatomical homeostasis needs a *shape descriptor* (more information-rich). and Challenges: discouragement of “goal-directed” thinking in biology (anthropomorphism).
- Claim: If anatomical homeostasis exists, we should be able to change the “set point” (desired shape) *without* rewiring the system at the molecular level. This involves a need to finding/encoding, decoding, and being able to rewrite setpoints, the memories, etc.
- Need: Cognitive “glue” to combine: the collective. Neuroscience examples where, neurons collectively for a lever association, despite the experience being spread between foot-touch and food reward in disparate neurons.
- Bioelectricity is the “glue” in nervous systems: ion channels create voltage gradients, forming networks for computation and memory. Not specific: Electrical properties, is ancient evolved *before* brains.
- Proposes: “decoding” body’s collective intelligence by reading/interpreting bioelectric information (“mind of the body”). An anology that Brain : Commands Muscle, and Electrical newtoks gives command.
Reading and Rewriting the “Mind of the Body”
- Voltage-reporting fluorescent dyes to visualize electrical communication between cells (“electric conversations” in embryos), along side quantitative Simulatirs.
- Example: “electric face” in frog embryos, a bioelectric *pre-pattern* predicting future organ placement. Pathological, Enogen inducing cells that detach Electrically, so no communication.
- *Rewriting* bioelectricity is, “intervening” directly, key: no applied fields/magnets/waves, modulating cells’ *native* ion channel “keyboard.”, By Modulating, optogentics and light, mutations of junctions. Not just a *readout*, but the *set point* for anatomical development.
- Claim tested by *changing* the electric face (frog embryos) creating *ectopic eyes* in gut regions by injecting mRNA for ion channels. Lessons:.
- Bioelectricity is *instructive* (not just toxicity; triggers specific organs). Modularity.low-information signal (“make an eye here”) triggers complex processes; Competency. Only neurectoderm *thought* competent to make eyes (with pax6). Bioelectricity shows *all* cells can. “Bio-prompting” (analogy to AI), Scaling. injected cells *recruit* neighboring cells.
- These results are applied to Regenerative medicine applications. non-regenerating frog legs, a bioelectric “cocktail” triggers regeneration with long “delay,” therefore showing that early-communication set goal, rather than direct command to build.
Planaria: Bioelectric Patterns as Pattern Memories
- Planaria: robust regenerators, “immortal,” noisy genome. 1. Cut: How the fragments “knows” how many heads.
- Electrical circuit controls head number; targeting it creates two-headed worms, which has Bioelectric pre-pattern showing 1 head, “until you injure”.
- Critical. The *bioelectric pattern is *not* a *map* of the two-headed animal, but of the *normal* one. A *memory* that can be *edited*, storing 2 representations, despite one single, singular-headed animal. “Simple CounterFactual.”
- Recutting: shows permenant, forever, lasting change as: Memory (long-term, rewritable, conditional recall). Not: genome, with shows Normal Genome..
- Shapes not limited to “number of heads”: Controls head *shape*. Confusing the bioelectric network in a triangular-headed species can produce *different* head shapes, as: The cells can reaccess stored information of old shapes..
- Further exploration of “latent morphospace”: making planaria with different symmetries, hybrid forms, or “spiky” forms – all with normal cells and Genes.
- Implication of latent space: there’s a large room for error, for cells. Others exploit these cells: Wasp, leaf example, with leaf cell “hack,” for nests. No way to see it on genes, since most time: its flat.
- Challenge. Full “stack” understanding, connecting. Hardware. To: algorithms.
- Behavioral Science, where you train cells, is Complementary: to biomedical approach. The controversial idea, for this research is. “Somatic psychiatry:” communicate to, cells.
Xenobots and the Origins of Goals
- Changing Size and the origins: Goals of biological systems usually attributed to *evolution*. “Cognitive light cone” (analogous to spacetime diagrams). Size of biggest goal, a system. Ticks, bacteria: small. Dogs: bigger. Humans: very large. Different types of organisms.
- Agents: We are *composed* of agents (cells, organs) with *different* sized cognitive cones, cooperating *and* competing, which changed. Evolutionary failure Mode = “Cancer,” where cancer cells detach from communication, “and have Smaller, selfs”. Not selfish.
- Implication to the change: that Cancer does not necessarily needs death. Xenobots: made from *frog skin cells* (*not* embryonic stem cells). Ask, “what if they had no borders”.
- Xenobot Results. Spontaneous formation and self-organize, they swim by hairs, *novel* behaviors, navigate, spontaneous actions, signal, kinematic self-replication: assemble “children”. Never happened, *before*, which means evolution never required it to happen before, as new trait. Therefore this suggest, evolution, doesnt *just* produce “things”.
- Interspecies compatability/compatibility of all these types: Living beings can interoperable with other types of living constructs to: create, agential, types of: agents. This means. Ethical questions on “agents”.
Questions, with Answer Highlights (simplified and paraphrased as short as possible):
- Plants?. Absolutely: they have Intelligence and fit in.
- AI/Robotics and bio cells?. Yes: exciting, feedback and use for synergy, using better alogirthms for biology to be capable of using them, due to it: helping machines, to understand biology..
- Source of collective Intelligence?. We know parts: Need connections, Memory-wiping. We *don’t* yet predict *specific goals* of collectives.
- Tumors injectiion showed clutser, malignacies don’t. *Induced*, by engonogen. Disconnect. They convincetheir neighbots. *Then*, reconnect.
- How long for liver replacement?. Can’t give. In a Lifetime (Frog-> Mice,).
- Macroscopic Control (exerted on frog)? we, can, change stuff “permenantly”. *Goal*: is to science.
- Consider part? Dead/Other. If other, use them, yes: include..
- Tutura?, what is?. “living fossil” rapid DNA evolution. Interesting, no prior knowledge of creature before Q+A.