- Cancer is often viewed as a single-cell problem of uncontrolled proliferation, but Levin argues it’s a problem of disrupted *large-scale* coordination.
- Engineered constructs (robots) have a simple top-down architecture and so, cancer is not a problem; in contrast, biological systems consist of multi-scaled architecture in the biological domain where lower organizational levels can and will rebel.
- Cells communicate electrically, forming networks (not just neurons) that process information about anatomical goals. Cancer can be detected, induced, *and normalized* by manipulating these bioelectrical signals.
- Tissues make decisions electrically, and this can be targeted to alter cell behavior, with implications for many areas of medicine.
- High regenerative capacity in animals is correlated with *low* cancer incidence, contrary to some predictions, as the regeneration mechanisms keep cancerous growth suppressed.
- Planarian flatworms exemplify this: they’re immortal, highly regenerative, and cancer-resistant, even with chaotic genomes.
Multicellularity vs. Cancer
- The key question isn’t “why cancer?”, but “why anything *but* cancer?”, given that we’re made of individually competent cells.
- Single-celled organisms have their own agendas; multicellularity requires cooperation toward a larger anatomical “plan”. The human anatomy.
- The genome specifies protein hardware, *not* the overall body plan. The overall body structure, arrangement, type.
- Understanding how cells make collective large-scale decisions is key, not just molecular components, is very limited, as the body plan or the planarian is inherited somatically (with high mutations) and regenerates well with the anatomical bioelectric software playing a cruicial role in addition to the hardware genetics, and that biology, in general is far from fully knowing its large-scale-pattern-making algorthmic mechanisms.
- Homeostasis: the error between normal pattern to errorred is corrected not just in small things such as blood sugar levels, but can and does control big and important, more structural changes in tissues such as limb and face growth in regenerative animals (axolotl limbs and eyes, and frog’s face’s error minimizing rearrangements).
- Homeostatsis works as long as a higher-organizational blueprint exists that dictates the anatomical shape. If this pattern can be manipulated (such as setting thermostat in a house to make a different room-temperature-level), this provides much less difficulty than solving all the underlying molecular problems and errors.
Bioelectricity’s Role
- Scaling competence: evolution upscales the tiny-level agendas to now work, under bioelectric control, together. Cancer is seen as an error of these goals’ breakdown.
- Multicellular goals: Bioelectric signals do not imply and not is cancer a single-cell event: a breakdown in these goals leads to reversion to single-celled, more independent behavior as in Glioblastoma cells.
- All cells have ion channels and voltage gradients across their membranes.
- Different cell types have characteristic voltage ranges. Quiescent cells are polarized; proliferative/cancer cells are often depolarized. However this voltage different alone should not lead to an assumption of it being merely a single-cell-level phenomenon as they work with their other nearby cells, so it is far more complex.
- Like brains, other tissues use bioelectric networks for information processing, acting like a type of anatomical blueprint.
- “Neural decoding” (understanding thoughts from brain activity) can be extended *beyond* the nervous system. Reading and *understanding* electrical signals of tissues.
- An “electric face” pre-pattern in frog embryos prefigures the future anatomy *before* gene expression, suggesting bioelectric instructions exist.
- The pattern can change by using a “voltage-sensitive dye”. Tumors can be detected early as areas of bioelectric disruption (cells decoupling from the network) before full anatomical changes manifest.
Manipulating Bioelectricity
- Tools have been developed to track, model, and, critically, *rewrite* bioelectrical patterns.
- Rewriting: Unlike typical methods involving modifying at a genetic-hardware level, bioelectrical changes is like modifying thermostat setpoints instead of hardware rewiring; it’s a simpler way for “complex” problems.
- This isn’t done with external fields; it uses the cells’ *native* communication mechanisms (ion channels, gap junctions). This can be via drugs, genes, or light to control gap junction and ionic flow.
- The idea that they can guide other processes can be demonstrasted by how ectopic, extra, eyes, or organs, etc, can form anywhere on a frog (they make extra and different types and combinations) using controlled and targetted injections. This is very precise, as cells call neighboring cells into helping, similar to other types of intelligent organisms, such as ants.
- Rewriting these patterns *instructs* cells: Ectopic eyes, limbs, etc., can be induced by recreating specific voltage patterns without genetic changes.
- Cells do not follow hardwire rules; they correct in novel manners until goal is met.
- Even brains with major mutations, and thus defective gene-hardware (example with ‘notch’ mutation, making very structurally poor brains), it can be changed using “bioelectrical-software-override” changes.
- Damaged organs, e.g., those in cases of brain defects, can also be be “repaired”. Even IQ. By overriding gene problems with “bioelectircal set points” using anti-eplieptics.
- Frogs, non-regenerative, induced to re-grow by inducing “pro-regenerative” blastemas, implying, with very brief (1day) exposure to cocktail and without touching it after, a leg would grow out from previously non-leg tissue to near completeion.
Bioelectricity and Cancer Treatment
- This view makes four testable predictions, all supported by evidence:
- 1. Ion channel/pump genes are implicated in cancer molecular data (there should be some gene changes related to channel and protein, confirmed.)
- 2. Bioelectric signatures can be used for early cancer diagnosis (they can and it works).
- 3. Disrupting voltage gradients can *induce* cancer-like behavior (they do; experiment, by disrupting some melanocytes’ voltage communications, it is changed.)
- 4. Modulating voltage gradients can *suppress* cancer. Specifically via electroceutical drugs targetting ionic flows.
- “Augmented-Reality Device” (prototype and potential): helps surgeons via overlays to visually confirm “areas of malignancy and risk”.
- Oncogenes can cause cell disconnection, causing them to pursue selfish behaviors in which their ‘Self’ boundaries become downscaled from its wider self.
- Experiment where, via injecting specific oncogenes, oncogene expression should occur in frogs, however co-injecting ionic channels in some frogs prevent it. They prevent oncogenic changes by correcting the electrical pattern and thus, it could be the physiology and not purely genetics.
Electroceuticals and Future Directions
- “Electroceuticals”: Existing ion channel drugs, guided by computational models, can reprogram cell behavior.
- Focus: Bioelectrical-changes are the software, the instruction layers; thus, its fixes, controls, or overides don’t need to alter hardware genome: it alters only on software-setpoint levels, not in hardware such as Crisper etc.
- Using data from current knowledge of drugs (“drug bank”) + cells with ion channels (“physiomics”), it could target, control and suppress specific growths and patterns.
- This is moving beyond theoretical and early stages. In vitro results with human glioblastoma show promise.
- “Electroceutical Platforms” (Begining stages): drugs may, using a prediction algorithm, get prescribed via predicting what channel types and cells need for correcting cancer.
- Future work involves improving: diagnostics to get early pre-cancer changes. Normalizing cancerous tumors back into normal tissues, and refining controls over mammalian-cell bioelectricity.