Introduction: Planarians and Regeneration
- Planarian flatworms are a model for regenerative medicine: They can regenerate any body part, including the brain, are highly cancer-resistant, and are biologically immortal (do not age). Understanding their regenerative mechanisms holds promise for human medicine.
Cancer as a Disruption of Cellular Communication
- Cancer is fundamentally a breakdown of multicellular cooperation, not simply a result of DNA mutations. Individual cells disconnect from the larger bioelectrical, chemical, and mechanical network that coordinates tissue organization.
- Disconnected cancer cells revert to a primitive, unicellular state, focusing on self-preservation and proliferation (like amebas), treating the rest of the body as an external environment.
- The “cognitive light cone” concept describes the scale of goals a cell or group of cells can pursue. In cancer, this light cone shrinks from the whole-body level to the individual cell level.
- The DNA provides instructions for making cellular “hardware”(proteins), *not* a direct blueprint for the body’s form and function. It creates components allowing complex and adaptable computation. The overall anatomical form comes about as the network (as the “software”)
- The analogy to computer hardware/software highlights that focusing solely on DNA (hardware) is insufficient for addressing many regenerative medicine challenges, analogous to fixing computer issues through soldering components alone.
- Focus should instead be on “reprogramming” the bioelectric signaling that directs cellular behavior (the “software”), by taking advantage of cellular natural existing behavior of cell’s computation.
Bioelectric Signaling and Pattern Memory
- Cells communicate through electrical signals using ion channels (protein gates) that control the flow of charged ions (sodium, potassium, chloride, protons). This is literal electricity.
- Groups of cells form bioelectrical networks similar to neural networks, storing memories and making decisions. These networks are essential for maintaining anatomical structure.
- The “target pattern” (correct body shape) is stored as a memory within this bioelectrical network. Cells actively work to minimize deviation from this pattern during regeneration.
- Fluorescent voltage-sensitive dyes can be used to visualize these bioelectrical patterns in living tissues, allowing researchers to observe defects associated with cancer, injury, or birth defects.
- The first step to cancer (with use of exmaples) includes cells disconnecting their bioelectrical signalling with their neighbor cells, leading to the ‘rolling back’ and cancer and it’s cancerous and invasive behaviors, even in spite of genetic makeup.
- Artificial re-connecting bioelectrical patterns show normalizing potential to cancerous properties, showing there exists ‘communcations’ to cells which guide them how to ‘behave’.
- The research goal is to develop computational models and “electroceutical” drugs (ion channel modulators) to correct aberrant bioelectrical patterns and restore normal tissue organization.
Implications and Examples
- The approach is *not* about killing cancer cells (like chemotherapy) but about restoring their cooperative behavior within the tissue. It also does not aim to “fix” DNA mutations.
- Frog experiments show that induced tumors (even with human oncogenes) can be suppressed or normalized by manipulating bioelectrical connectivity.
- GBM or Glioblastoma Multiforme (a brain cancer), is another application example, where “turning off” this bioelectrical signalling can revert cancer’s typical ‘rolling back’ cancer cellular activity, restoring them as an ‘ideal’ state as per thier normal function in context of the body’s multicellular function.
- Similar normalization of cancer cells has been observed in salamanders and mouse embryos, highlighting that this is a biological possibility, not just a theoretical concept.
- Planarians, with their messy genomes, demonstrate that perfect DNA is *not* required for robust regeneration and cancer resistance. Their cells have evolved to handle genomic noise.
- Cellular decisions are *not* solely driven by genetics and *are* made. They adjust and modify their behaviors in response to environmental stressors, including chemotherapy; they exhibit a basic form of intelligence (“basal cognition”).
- Problems exist in physiological nature (how cells remember what pattern to exist as) vs. purely DNA hardware. For example: mirroring pattern (e.g. mirror effect in epileptic brain) or even cardiac patterns of mis-regulation and re-triggering.
Addressing Common Misconceptions
- Family genetic predispositions (hardware): “protecting the hardware”. And inherited predispositions, play roles with likelihood.
- While maintaining healthy DNA (avoiding damage) is beneficial, it’s not the complete picture. Bioelectrical disruptions alone can cause cancer.
- Age and Cancer: increased loss of regenerative and electrical communication abilities lead to increase chances for cancer to rise.
- “Ion channel drugs” (electroceuticals), often already used for conditions like epilepsy, can be repurposed to modulate bioelectrical signals, potentially on a systemic level. This differs significantly from targeted therapies or electrical shocks.
- For adults, medication benefits (like blood pressure medications that affect ion channels) generally outweigh any theoretical risks related to bioelectrical disruption.
- For embryos, however, are subject to issues by taking some bioelectrical medication.
- Liver can regenerate (and do what planarians do). human can regenerate fingertips (the very tip-ends, the very distal parts of the finger body parts, and at an earlier-human stages of growth (kids vs. adult).