Error Correction and Existence
- The universe exists because it’s not impossible; existence is “free.” Everything happens (superposition of all operators), leading to apparent indeterminism at the lowest levels.
- Stable structures emerge due to error correction. Patterns that are statistically stable persist (like vortices in water), while others dissipate. Particles themselves can be considered error-correcting codes.
- Life itself is considered an error correcting code, stabilizing particle configurations and controlling regions of the Universe.
- Mental representations can be seen as error-correcting “quasiparticles,” similar to how sound (information-preserving) emerges from molecular activity.
- The Free Energy Principle (Friston) aligns with this: systems persist by maintaining a state-space boundary, acting autopoeitically, which can be interpreted as informational error correction.
- This relates to Zurich’s Quantum Darwinism (selection of stable states by environment) and AdS/CFT correspondence (coupling of volume state to surface state), although SpaceTime is considered emergent by the Speakers.
Coherence and Agency
- Large Language Models (LLMs) try to minimize the error of language prediction. For smaller organisms in concrete situations, there is minimization.
- Consciousness may be a “coherence maximizer” rather than a prediction error minimizer, actively imposing order on trainable substrate, acting “as if” a single agent. It creates local coherence.
- LLMs, even when trained on massive data, may lack the creative coherence found in biological systems. This ties in with human creativity.
- Human’s coherence may result from human evolution as “domesticated” primates. Some, however may be Generally Intelligent.
- Sense-making is a primary goal of Consciousness, and the use and meaning of memory as being malleable; memory re-expansion as creative reinterpretation of sparse engrams (compressed representations).
- Uncertainty and confabulation: Memories, due to compression and loss of context, require active, creative reconstruction; it’s not about what the memory *was*, but what can be *done* with it *now*. The example given being caterpillar to butterfly memory transition, even during brain changes, the previous information still useable.
- Percepts from external world share similar principles, in how sensations may dictate a given response.
- This aligns with “appropriate action” as a way to think about coherence (following Bateson’s “differences that make a difference”). Action, prediction, and testing are closely linked.
- Modelling adjacent events in texts are problematic, whereas images benefit in the use of convolutional networks due to ajdacent semantical related pixels. Working Memory require the construction of future spaces.
- “You six months ago isn’t answering emails”: a key collaborator being, well… yourself and messages.
Self, Identity, and Control
- Distinguishing between self-caused events and external events is evolutionarily important (heuristic processing). Errors in this distinction can be debilitating.
- Language input is processed in time-windowed chunks, analyzed for consistency, but still addressing a “what do I do next?” question at a larger time scale. We impose geometry on information.
- Agency is control of future state, not just present state. Humans seem better than current AI at temporal coherence (preserving information over time).
- Identity is instrumental for credit assignment. Without a reason to be distinct (e.g., unique memories), self-models wouldn’t form.
- Training vs. being trained: Some entities (like cats) have evolved to train others, not just be trained (similar to governments recursively “bullying” people).
- Colonization: Entraining an environment to extend oneself; building structure that reflects and sustains the colonizer. The ease to expand consciousness (cohesion, bandwith).
- Control structure: The invariance, what’s controllable. The good regulation theorum suggests it should be, learnable.
Classical Communication and Observation
- Error correction necessitates classical communication. Discrepancies between expected and observed communication constitute errors. It needs a pre-shared base for meaning (shared context or langugae), where one’s message or data can be seen as noise.
- Classical communication involves assumptions about thermodynamic irreversibility (imposing order on superpositions, which creates an actionable representation, similar to defining actions/non actions, and having models for them, while collapsing the wave-function ).
- Observers exist in collapsed timelines. Observation requires a classical self-model; multiple possibilities within a “self-frame” are in superposition, requiring distinctions at larger periods.
- The perception of the importance of events can happen during larger time windows than when the actual events transpire. For example a femtosecond transition resulting a smoking up computer.
Protocognition at the Smallest Scales
- The idea that there is some protocognitive capacity at the lowest levels of scales and their interactions.
- At the lowest level (elementary particles), there might not be “intelligence” but self-propagating patterns (like vortices), selected by a kind of evolutionary process.
- Intelligence emerges with persistent particles that form multistable structures and exploit negentropic gradients. Life performs controlled reactions, outcompeting “dumb” reactions.
- The first/simplest “thing” doing this is unclear, could be something very large but no-biological entities may use some as-of-yet unknown method/medium for computation. Cells are very complex, and agency might form at planetary scales before cellular life. Atoms/molecules, as breaking symmetries, represent a crucial level.
- Simulation would be useful, where, using deviation of observations against known expectations, levels of “control” of an observed system may be observed/determined.
- Criteria for diverse intelligence: Finding intelligence at different scales and forms requires new tools and criteria. Experiments (like with minimal matter) might reveal unexpected behaviors. It is possible this emergent behaviour to happen from extremely simple origins/systems.
- A self-organizing, generally intelligent system would need a “colonizing seed” – a minimal pattern that induces coherence. This could be seen as minimizing constraint violations, or a consensus algorithm maximizing true statements.
- This self-observing, self-stabilizing “observer” is fundamental to consciousness, with an information and substrate agnostic in variance (informational equivalent for the next level of the microbial map to organisms).
- Organisms’ and structures’ (ex: Elephants’) constraints in capability/potential maybe tricky (for Evolution to reach), but are important considerations and topics for the exploration for cognition and intelligence. This requires the need to discover it’s invariance and formalize its mechanisms (to which, instruments, memory may be useful factors).
- Environmental stimuli, despite complexity, can yield an observable outcome that some animals react to; indicating the inherent use-value and nature, or the shared perception of its emergent representation (sounds, shapes).
- The body plan/anatomy as a tool or substrate, through which the Brain and thus computation may expand upon, and explore the (cognitive) world with (hands, trunk, voice, etc).
- Development requiring random stimulation in order for optimal, “intended”, operational value to form (the use of Hands require their “random” exploration as an infant, like their initial babbling before structured understanding).
- There may be other undiscovered ways an entity (biological/artificial) uses different means/structures/bodies and its environment, and what tools may be utilized/required for the interaction.