- Significant knowledge gaps exist regarding the control of large-scale anatomical homeostasis (how organisms maintain their shape).
- Fundamental advances in biomedicine require understanding cellular decision-making, not just molecular mechanisms.
- Non-neural bioelectricity is a key medium for computation in cellular collectives.
- The goal is “cracking the bioelectric code”: mapping electrical patterns to genetic and anatomical outcomes. This could enable “electroceutical” approaches for various medical applications.
- Body tissues form electrical networks (like the brain) that make decisions about dynamic anatomy. We have ways to control this for pattern editing.
Anatomical Homeostasis and the Anatomical Compiler
- The long-term goal is an “anatomical compiler”: specify a desired anatomical structure, and the system generates stimuli to guide cells to build it. This would revolutionize medicine.
- Cells are not passive building blocks; they are highly competent, making decisions and solving problems.
- Embryonic development involves cells working together towards large anatomical goals. Differentiating cell type isn’t enough; 3D organization is crucial.
- The standard developmental biology paradigm (gene regulatory networks -> emergence) has a profound inverse problem: it’s hard to know what to change upstream to get a desired downstream effect.
- Current models often lack predictive power. Even in simple examples, the precise algorithms and stop conditions are unknown.
- Moving focus from hardware and focusing to also ask about the anatomical, native software modules within and asking how reprogramable the system.
Plasticity and Pattern Homeostasis
- Examples of biological plasticity are used. The axolotl regenerates limbs, etc., The planarian flatworms are a system to understand plasticity due it its high ability for regneration.
- Planarian regeneration: Each fragment “knows” what’s missing and regenerates it. They are “immortal” due to continuous regeneration.
- Human liver regeneration, deer antler regeneration, and fingertip regeneration in children show that regeneration is not limited to “lower” animals.
- Picasso tadpoles: Frog facial features rearrange to form a normal frog face, even when starting from abnormal positions. Genetics specifies error minimization, not a fixed path.
- Pattern Homeostasis model introduced a feedback loops from anatomical devation to the genome via electric.
- The model set-point which includes The process of “current read, compare to a set-point, action, repeat.” and this feedback includes not the current levels of parameters, but a fairly complex specification on layout of an antamoy.
- Bioelectricity as a mechanism, an explicit representation of the system exists of the future anatomy.
Bioelectric Signaling
- Bioelectricity is a key component of the “morphogenetic field” – a field of information that influences cells.
- It is stated, Bioelectricity is not a standalone: other things are involved including chemical and physical factors and gradients.
- This is a very convinent compuational layer used, not accident, by evolution for decision-making.
- All cells have ion channels and many are electrically connected via gap junctions (electrical synapses), similar to the brain.
- “Neural decoding” in neuroscience tries to infer the informational content from electrical activity. The same principles can apply to other tissues.
- Voltage-sensitive dyes map electrical, simulating by computer is done by building models with cells, gap, and channels.
- Early from embrionic face developement has a bioelect patten as a prepattern on where organs go, this pre-pattern then influnces gene expression.
- An examle is also made on the bioelectric expression of tumuors and an example of diagnostics.
- Membrane potentials can influence.
Modulating Bioelectric Circuits
- Tools have been developed to manipulate bioelectric signaling: Changing connectivity by opening/closing gap junctions. Setting cell voltage by controlling ion channels (including optogenetic channels). These are molecular, not external electrical field, interventions.
- Induced voltage in areas to make modular “cascade sub-routines” making a voltage that is inductive and kickstarting body formation (an example is ectopic eyes, made using electirc signal).
- Standing bioelectric patterns are manipulated to make large anatomical change: This manipulation creates planeria that regrow and show it has the memory of its biolectricity even if cut, or having the planeria regrow into a similar yet differnt head species.
- An example of medicine use is regrowing frog limbs using this voltage trick with chemicals and bioelectric to influence modularity of limbs.
- There is a spinoff, mophaceuticals inc, doing this.
- Many mechansims between biolectricty and gene expresion in single cells.
Modeling and Control
- Multi-scale models combine single-cell bioelectric and transcriptional circuits with tissue-level dynamics. This helps understand the algorithms for anatomical control.
- These models predict experiments, allow virtual experiments, and are amenable to machine learning. This facilitates finding specific interventions.
- Focuses not on specific individual cell voltage, but its gradient among neightbors.
- Evolution uses different methods of voltages based on convenient factors.
Encoding Metaphor and Memory
- DNA sets cellular hardware (ion channels, etc.), but bioelectric states represent a kind of “software” due to post-translational modification.
- The bi-electric patten can persist even when removed the organs, creating a future set point in time and space to regrow into.
- There’s long-term “bi-electrical” memory, which is seen downstream in the long-term via change of structure and shape.
Towards Electroceuticals and Beyond
- With ion and cells and votlages we get “comptuation model for predicting outcomes.
- Examples include frog brian, planaria bi-stability, regeneration, and tumor regulation.
Toward Therapudic Platforms
- Computational models can predict ion channel combinations to shift bioelectric patterns towards health. A platform is being developed.
Key Conclusions
- A bioelectric computational layer sits between genotype and anatomy, making crucial decisions.
- Evolution likely used electrical signaling for computation very early.
- Understanding this bioelectric “language” is crucial for controlling collective cellular behavior and has broad implications.
- Anatomical Homostasis by cells and feedback, making bioelecticity an early computation level used.