Introduction: Beyond the IKEA Blueprint
- Traditional view: DNA as a “blueprint” (like IKEA instructions) for building organisms. Proteins are like builders and you get the thing.
- Reality: DNA provides a recipe for proteins (low-level parts), *not* a direct blueprint for the organism’s shape (morphology). It all works by complex systems.
- Analogy is describing metal, screws, or the parts list, but not a bookshelf (shape is emergent, it comes out from the bottom, from complexity and systems, there are no detailed instruction manuals).
- Analogy: Not instructions, but complex hardware (like a circuit that harnesses phsyical law) making softwate via dynamic bottom-up process of emmergence from many smaller parts with minimal rules/behaviors.
- In principle, with perfect simulation, we could derive shape from DNA + environment, but that’s not how biology *works*.
The Picasso Tadpole Experiment
- Experiment: Rearranged facial features of tadpoles (eyes, jaws, etc., in wrong places).
- Result: Features moved *correctly* to form a normal frog face. The end shape came and it worked.
- Implication: Genome doesn’t encode a hard-wired sequence of movements. Instead, it creates a system that *reduces error* towards a “target morphology” (the ‘remembered’ correct frog face).
- Analogy: Marble dropping (gravity), you dont need top-down direct instuction. You just drop. The complex marble sorter has bottom up dynamics to get it in the right place.
- The system “self-corrects,” It works continuously to correct a certain remembered pattern, error reduces.
Teleology and Goal-Directedness
- Teleophobia” in biology: Resistance to describing biological systems as having goals.
- Levin: Goal-directedness is *essential* for understanding how biological systems function and evolve.
- Not just day-to-day. It’s at every stage (including during Evolution itself, even when deveolping, or any change/process really).
- We should be studying the goals that emerge, even as a practical empirical issue!
- Friston’s Free Energy Principle: Organisms predict their environment *and themselves*, minimizing “surprise” (difference between prediction and reality).
- Multilevel (multiple tiers and hierarchies) Systems with goals! All reducing the delta and making prediction/goal.
- Intentional Stance (Dennett): Assigning “agency” is a *practical* tool for prediction and control.
- Principle of Least Action (Physics): Systems “minimize effort.” Analogous to biology: Find the most *efficient* level of description and intervention, not always the lowest.
- Example: No quantum, lowest possible, no one actually thinks like that. The system will act to go the lowest cost of path, it will do it, it must be at any of these levels, at the bottom! (bottom = particles or atons and then emergent systems from there)
- Robotics Analogy: Cuckoo Clocks must be *rewired*; advanced intelligences are easier to *persuade* with stimuli and experiences instead of adjusting its atom (and so they also lack feedback loops and are quite limited/not flexible!). This can inform bioengeneering!
Multi-Scale Systems and “Downward Causation”
- Cells follow local rules, BUT higher levels (tissue, organ) perform computations that “deform the option space” for cells.
- Analogy: Bending space. There is no “magic” at lower levels of computation but it can come together (complexity) to work at another layer, from higher layers, where another ’emergent’ level makes computations to do its thing too!
- Higher-level “goals” guide lower-level processes towards a global body plan (like water flowing downhill, “minimize effort/cost”).
- Swarm Intelligence: Group agent has a rough pattern-memeory that “remembers” the large pattern it’s creating.
- Planaria example (next section for details).
Planaria: Memory Beyond the Genome
- Planaria: Flatworms that regenerate any body part, do not age.
- Two-Headed Planaria: Bioelectric circuit stores “pattern memory.” This can be *reprogrammed* to create two-headed worms *without changing the genome*.
- Regenerate into perfect tiny worms, no more no less (can be even 255 parts, and still do this!)
- They’re IMMORTAL. So aging itself isnt inevitable and does not age by thermodynamics limits (we get new ones when they split in half, basically splitting the old “ancient” version).
- Somatic Inheritance: Mutations accumulate in planaria, but regeneration remains precise. Challenges “DNA-centric” view.
- Imperfect DNA, but very perfect bodies because of top down, multiscale layers with pattern correction.
- If we change the pattern, it will just generate its version, no matter if DNA changes or not, they will still form (if 2 heads it will). The software changed, the memory of bioelectrical circuit and the large memory.
- We can even ‘change heads’ by interupting the normal pattern with electricity.
Bioelectricity and the “Anatomical Compiler”
- We can turn these “gates” off and on to build (by turning the ion channel circuits, protein batteries that store and create memories and decisions!) things! It works similar to a digital circuits “ram” but instead as biological organisms.
- The bioleectric information is similar to a memory circuit that needs voltage (RAM or the circuit, it needs current!), and the information is saved as electrical memories on top of DNA.
- There is hardware that encodes all things, turn it on, it will show what’s default, which gets tuned by evolutions to create all living creatures, but, with “goals”, its actually quite reporogrammable!
- Vision: “Anatomical Compiler”: Draw a desired organism; the system translates that into stimuli to guide cells to build it (not by 3D printing, but by rewriting cellular “goals”).
- Change the voltage of the bioelectric memory so they get changed! We’re still trying to understand how/when, but when there is stability.
Self, Boundaries, and Cancer
- Gap Junctions: Direct connections between cells (proto-synapses). Share information, erasing “ownership” (like a “mind meld”).
- Origin of “Self”: Merging of individual cell “minds” into a larger, compound self.
- Difficult to make ownership (there are signals shared, with no ‘ownership’ metadata that we often give value and importance to!), it’s not clear “who owns” these changes of values, making this a type of super telepathy. It merges.
- Analogy: A cell becoming large to create large cognition and larger (think about time and space now in larger terms, it grows).
- Cancer: Breakdown of gap junction communication, cells revert to a unicellular, “selfish” state (metastasis).
- Simulation analogy: We simulate “prisoner’s dilemma”. Cooperation becomes default, with no one able to cheat. However, the cell can become separate, and only thinks as singular cells (go, proliferate).
- Possible cancer treatment: Convincing cancer cells to rejoin the collective, restoring multicellular communication.
- Metastatic Malanoma: we prevented electrical communicational cells, it just reverted back and start doing cancerous/malfunctions of errors and non pattern correcting.
- We ought to reverse it by using things like ion-channel to correct/adjust voltage! Rejoin the “pattern”, with borg-style hivemind, we fix our cell.
Robotics, AI, and Future Implications
- Multiscale Intelligence: need an intelligence on par to humans, something a kin to a ‘human collective’.
- Collaboration, not competition/cheating. But make each individual count (keep its uniqueness in terms of skills). We need better control over things to know more about these different organisms.
- Why we use the worm? The body-blueprint isnt even in the body plan (how is this possible?). Where the body plan be in biology, where in it, what the ‘program’ is to work from? We use them becauase their genomes are MESSED, very messy! Yet it still produces consistent, almost exact copies that’s stable 100%.
- No matter how bad the mutations or messy its genes/chromosome/DNA become! So there must be something “other” than this for pattern corrections and morphogenisis and development.
- Multi-scale robotics: where robots arent fully following simple programming rules. This allows greater creativity, adaptation, resilience.
- Biological insights inform robotics: “Robots don’t get cancer” (because parts lack sub-goals, lacking a feedback system). Explore “info-taxes” (constant search for information).
- Synthetic Biology: Creating novel organisms by altering cell interactions and environments (“endless forms most beautiful”).
- Endless Forms: endless possibility and variety, and it may end up even outside “darwin’s wild imaginations” by being synthetic (we change them manually in the ‘goal’, not the “dna level). We can give normal cellls new changes/tasks!
- Exotic possibilities: can be part “evolved” (maybe not even organic/biochemical biology, it could use virutal-bio). It can range from bioengeneering-based robotics, household things with machien leanring and etc etc.
- New Types of Life: it blurs all words. It’ll blur all human distinctions of words with things like humanoids, human brains/biology.
- A cell on the tail, eye on tails, etc (tadpole), will give it “vision” with “normal” body structure, yet working in perfect order, showing it will do/function! Even by its genomic standard!
- If we design somtehing to act like an organisms. All words “break down” here, and we should update these labels in better definitions with new terms.
- Ethical Considerations: Re-evaluating definitions of “machine,” “organism,” “self.” What are our obligations to different types of agents?
- No good definitions of anything, yet it opens “moral, and philosophical question that is massive: what happens if my brain connects with computer and the computre connects with mine?”. Or other body parts being artificial, “how will this function”. Will it blur or not change us at all. How much it matters: a vacuum, or implant and the split/combination ratio.