Introduction and Bioelectricity
- Non-neural bioelectric states exist: All cells, not just neurons, use ion channels, electrical synapses, and neurotransmitters for communication. These are ancient mechanisms, predating nervous systems.
- Cells create voltage gradients: Cells maintain an electrical potential difference across their membranes by controlling ion flow (potassium, sodium, etc.). Each cell is like a tiny battery.
- Bioelectric signals control anatomical space: Before controlling movement in 3D space (like brains do), bioelectric networks controlled cell behavior to navigate “morphospace” – the space of possible anatomical forms.
- DNA specifies hardware, bioelectricity is software: The genome encodes the *structure* of cellular components (proteins, ion channels). The dynamic bioelectric activity is the *computation* that uses this hardware.
Experiments and Implications
- The “Electric Face”: Before genes for facial features turn on, a bioelectric pattern resembling a face appears in the embryo. This pattern can be disrupted (causing defects) or moved (creating ectopic eyes, even in the gut).
- Modularity and Triggers. The voltage patterns call modular subroutines. Injecting a channel will create an eye from cells that normally create a gut. This eye will consist partially of the normal gut cells. The bioelectricity instructs neighboring cells to be the appropriate part, implying that only very tiny injections are required, because after they trigger the local anatomical goal, the other cells comply to fit that anatomy (limb, liver, eyes, etc).
- Cancer as disrupted communication: Cancer cells disconnect electrically from their neighbors, reverting to a single-cell-like state. Forcing cells to *remain* electrically connected can prevent tumor formation, even with oncogenes present.
- Planarian regeneration and morphospace: Planaria regenerate perfectly. Their cells “know” what the target body plan is and how to rebuild it. This is a *collective intelligence* problem, not just a molecular biology problem.
- Xenobots: Frog skin cells, isolated from the embryo, *spontaneously* form new organisms (xenobots) with novel behaviors (movement, self-assembly). They have a normal frog genome, but express a new “default” behavior, not selected for by evolution.
- Identity and electrical connection: Gap junctions (electrical connections between cells) can blur the lines between “self” and “other,” contributing to the formation of larger-scale collective identities.
- Placebo Effect: Mental Activity has direct bearing on physical activity. As you may send commands through intention to create new hormones or command the limbs to do things, so too may your mind instruct cellular growth and behavior, at least in the body which that mind exists.
Broader Concepts
- Collective intelligence: Morphogenesis (body shape formation) is a *collective intelligence* problem, similar to how brains work, but operating in anatomical space instead of 3D space.
- Homeostasis and set points: Where do anatomical “set points” (the target morphology) come from? It’s not just evolution; even without selection, cells exhibit surprising plasticity and new behaviors (e.g., xenobots).
- Intentional Stance: When dealing with novel biological systems, it’s crucial to empirically *test* different levels of assumed cognition/agency to see which best explains their behavior (per Dennett).
- Aging and the regenrative capacities of planeria indicates that as long as there exists adequate regenerataive processes, organisms like planaria do not age at all, but any human is not known to have their level of regenreative capabilities, so it could be that aging occurs when those regeneravtive capactities cannot keep up.
- Consciouness can possibly interact with Morphogenesis: due to being part of a greater whole with cells of the same physical organism. And general Anesthesia being related to the gap juntional activity, disruption can indicate it impacts short term consciousness or attention, which when restored, reconfigures things at times as new random memories (in pleneria, as new head morphology).
- Minimal Cognition: because there exists particles following least action principles that display quatum indeterminacy already are ‘something’. this suggests ‘goals’ and ‘spontenaity’ are, well, spontaneous!